27 July 2001
![[ ]](http://mbpix.mushroom.net/20010727a.gif)
i sort of feel like i got stood up tonight. i didn't exactly, but it feels that way. on wednesday evening, the last time i saw stef, she said she was working during the day on friday, today, and would come to eat burritos. then last night she called late (we both worked all day) to day goodnight, and that she was working late again today, and would call me after work. and tonight she calls at eleven, says she's still working, doesn't know when she'll get out, and is just going to go home because she works a double shift tomorrow. and will call me when she gets out tomorrow night. i fell like i would have been more okay with it if i knew beforehand that i wasn't going to get to see her for these three days.
but i spent some time with molly tonight before she leaves tomorrow for california. and i talked with er!n on the phone this evening, which was nice even if she was being a pain about letting me hang up and go make burritos. which ended up only being eaten by chris.k, cybèle, and myself.