19 August 2001
![[ ]](http://mbpix.mushroom.net/20010819a.gif)
it's my mom's birthday. and i hadn't forgotten or anything, i had thought about it quite a bit for a week or so leading up to today. but i hadn't gotten her anything. stef and i drove over to oblong, i got a gift certificate and a nice card.
and home and food and unloading my stuff from the van.
george called mid-afternoon. we were planning on heading back to providence about five, but he came over to hang out for a bit anyway. hadn't seen him since new year's so that was nice.
and the drive back. stef had plans to go out to boston with the girls from work. but got a call to say that no one was going. so she and i and my dad all stopped by the boys for sushi. "there's going to be about twenty people here," chris.k told me. garth and kristen had apparently decided to go somewhere else for dinner. and i was tempted to as well, but stef's roommates were among those coming, and my dad got a chance to meet some more crazy risd kids.
before dinner stef and i sat on one of the benches across the street. i had just wanted to tell her that it might be awkward with melody there, i hadn't ever told stef about her crush (i think that ended up being okay). we sat outside for a while though to spend a little time with just each other before going in and joining the crowd. "if i'm ever being a dork," stef said, "like not realizing how much i want to be with you, just tell me."