21 August 2001
![[ ]](http://mbpix.mushroom.net/20010821a.gif)
didn't go into work. hung out with dad this morning. sat by the bay and talked. dropped him off at the airport this afternoon. although points were a little awkward it was really nice to spend some time with him. it is hard living far away.
cooked dinner for the boys. my current "regular" meal, zucchini stir-fry, noodles. i go through phases of cooking slight variations of the same thing. for a few weeks, a few months, until i stumble across the next meal. among others, there's been the two different chickpea and backed potato dishes, the mushroom / tofu / green veggie stir-fry, the basil and angel hair, and this zucchini / onion / basil stir-fry.
stef came back to providence with her sister sarah, who's spending the night. they stopped by to say hello. we stood at my door and talked. stef said: "you can call me later at home, but you don't have to." fishing, obviously, but it was so sweet kissing her goodnight at the door, her turning to leave, holding on to her hand, her turning back, another kiss, again, and then away. i didn't want to muddle that with a phone call, which for me always has the potential to turn awkward.