1 September 2002
![[ ]](http://mbpix.mushroom.net/20020901a.gif)
last night i went to bed relatively early, around one, although it took me quite a while to fall asleep. i woke up and looked at my watch around six this morning, something i haven't done in a while. i had slept for four and some odd hours at that point, which is in line with many of my nights at risd. but still, i figured, rolled over, and went back to sleep. i woke up a number of other times throughout the morning, the telephone, or someone using the microwave, and could very well have gotten up reasonably well-rested and started my day. but every time i pulled the pillow a little tighter to my eyes in order to block out the morning light, and retreated to my sci-fi dreams.
around noon i finally dragged myself out of bed, feeling as if i had only spent a short, restless night sleeping. and continued to feel a little outside of time all day.
Scene Four
A number of people, students mostly, mill about in the lobby of a building. BEAN, despite his new, pink shirt, seems on edge. STEPHANY approaches him and says something inaudible.
I can't do this. Please. Just leave me alone.
I'm.. I'm sorry.
No you're not. To be sorry you have to care.
he could have said, 'to be sorry you have to have a heart.' but it looses some of its sting if it gets too hyperbolic, too rhetorical. if he says 'you have no heart', it's obviously untrue and can be more easily written off. but if he says 'you never really cared'..