12 February 2003
![[ ]](http://mbpix.mushroom.net/20030212a.gif)
monday night at work i was poking around on the net and found out that ted leo was scheduled to give an in-store performance at in your ear on thayer this wednesday. that's today. so after running some errands (including a jewelry purchase) and dinner, i stopped by.
afterwards, posted some thoughts to the secret stars mailing list:
just saw ted's in-store at in you ear in providence. didn't have time to stick around and say hi afterwards because i had to run off so as not to be late for work. but i'm definitely glad i went. even if he muddled his way through a few songs, he did it with endearingly self-depreciating comments about how he should be better acquainted with his own material. and (if i may speak for all of the fifty or so people there) we didn't come for polished versions of the songs, that's what the albums are for, we came to see the man. plus, vegan songs are always welcome.
at work tonight i started going through the huge stack of submitted qualifications for architects interested in working on the new library project. came across a picture of a building i recognized. 'hey, that's my high school library.' the firm that designed it is one of those that submitted info. it was weird seeing it written up as an architectural project. i never really experienced it in that way. and i haven't been in the building in almost ten years.
i had stef's car, so i was supposed to pick her up when she got out of work, but she got out before i did and went to rira for dinner. she called me and asked if i wanted to come for a drink. it's nice that she's finally ready to begin letting me back into that part (the 'with friends from work' part) of her life.