magicbeans. nothing if not awkward.

bean is not actually from antarctica. his heart is covered in paisleys.

he makes tiny little pictures and sometimes writes about his life.


25 November 2003

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the word on the street is that there's a new server about 10 days out. we're calling it avocado. more news as i have it.

short of making an endorsement, i would like to point over at dennis kucinich's campaign for president. from what i had heard of him up to this point (not much, given the seemingly unanimous decision of the mainstream media to ignore his campaign altogether), he seemed to be the democratic candidate most compatible with my own beliefs. were i a registered democrat, and not a socialist-leaning anarchist, he might get my vote.

poking through kucinich's website this evening, along with those of the other democrats running, i found the statement that he 'is one of the few vegans in congress...' maybe the only vegan. i thought that was worth a mention.