magicbeans. nothing if not awkward.

bean is not actually from antarctica. his heart is covered in paisleys.

he makes tiny little pictures and sometimes writes about his life.


13 March 2004

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last night i had the first dream in a long time (that i remember) in which stef and i were still a couple. i woke up empty and alone.

brunch at kate's.

'i was looking up movies the other day,' i was saying, 'and there was something that i really wanted to see, but now i have no idea what it is.' it did eventually come back to me. my architect, the film about louis kahn made by his son. and it was good.

headed to the subway and back out to brooklyn chris checked his phone. a message from max. who i had crossed paths with momentarily this morning as i got off the subway and he got on. another risd kid who i never really knew was in town visiting and did chris want to come and hang out. and he did. and i said sure, i'll come along.

we hung out for a bit, watched cops. then headed over to the apartment of another couple risd kids in chinatown. dave.s, who i had never met, and one of risd's many sarahs, who i had. there were a bunch of people hanging out there, drinking before going out, including a girl named vicky who was in my religions of india and tibet class last spring. i was very vocal in that class, and while i don't think we ever spoke outside of class, she seemed to feel like she knew me. which is not a bad thing.

there was also a girl named amber, the girlfriend of the brother of someone who went to risd, who i swear i know from somewhere. at one point she mentioned her massachusetts boarding school experience, but it wasn't nmh. and she lives in northampton now, but didn't when i was in the area. so i don't have any idea why she seemed so familiar.

eventually people got motivated enough to head out to a house party that a friend of someone's friend had called and told someone about. nothing that screamed 'fun', and since it was late and i had to get home to brooklyn eventually, i just wandered around chinatown until i found the subway stop and called it a night.

i did stop by life on my way home, ashley had called me from there earlier, and i said i'd get in touch if i made it back to brooklyn at a reasonable hour. they weren't at life, and while their lights were on at two when i came in, i decided that i should probably just get some sleep.