27 March 2004
![[ ]](http://mbpix.mushroom.net/20040327a.gif)
i woke up at a reasonable hour. a little queasy, but basically not too much the worse for wear. couldn't get ahold of chris though, and didn't make it out to brunch.
cybèle came into the city to visit (finally) today, and i went into manhattan to meet her at port authority. chris was supposed to come along as well, but i still hadn't heard from him. waiting for cybèle's bus to arrive, he finally called. 'i've been feeling sick,' he said, 'and ignoring my phone all day.' cybèle and i took the train back into brooklyn to meet up with him and get some dinner.
we took the J to the F, to get something (probably indian food) in park slope before heading over to the party at dave.z and kate.s's. but the F wasn't stopping in lower manhattan, and so we decided to just head above ground where we were, and get dinner at kate's joint.
i tried one of their daily specials, tofu in mustard sauce or something, which probably wasn't the best idea for my first meal of the day on a still slightly queasy stomach. i had a beer with dinner, but ended up not drinking at the party.
which we were a little more than fashionably late to, getting there sometime after one the morning, after even more train troubles.
i spent the next three hours sitting on the couch in their kitchen/living room, next to, in my opinion, the hottest girl at the party. that girl jen, from exactly a month ago. she seemed as if she was already tired and a little misplaced by the time we got there though, a feeling a shared, and we didn't really talk much.
'i've been having these little three day crushes,' i told chris and cybèle on the way back to the subway. 'one a week, or so. this is the second time around with jen.'
we got home just as the sun was coming up.