magicbeans. nothing if not awkward.

bean is not actually from antarctica. his heart is covered in paisleys.

he makes tiny little pictures and sometimes writes about his life.


5 May 2004

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Had a few drinks at the bar downstairs after work, but no one was interested in sticking around very late. At home, Dan was just turning on 'bad, new Star Trek'.

Random alien meanie: 'If you could offer us proof, such as demonstrating your ability to travel in time.'

Scott Bakula: 'That might be.. difficult.'

Bean: 'Because it was on a different TV show.'

Date: Wed, 1.26p
From: Rebecca
Subject: Re: Shaggy Haircut Guy on L Train
To: bean

Maybe it was you on the train. I don't know. But you didn't come to the party, so I guess we'll never know.

If you simply couldn't make it, I would have understood. But this nonsense about not supporting a candidate you don't "necessarily" agree with is just plain silly. If you sincerely want to see Bush go, then there's one way to make it happen. It's not ideal, but it's true.

Anyway, maybe you were the one from the message and maybe you weren't. Either way, if you'd come to the party you would have met a lot of cool people and had a fun evening. You might have learned something too.

Oh well.

This is along the lines of the response that I was expecting. I find it truly ironic that this is the stance so many compassionate liberals are taking. It wasn't too long ago that Bush said, 'Either you're with us, or you're the enemy.' People were aghast at how our president, in an official speech, could say something so closed-minded and totalitarian. But that could almost be used as the slogan for the Kerry campaign, it's the response that I seem to get almost every time I tell an otherwise well-meaning, intelligent person that I'm not planning on voting for him in November.