23 August 2004
![[ ]](http://mbpix.mushroom.net/20040823a.gif)
I got to work late this morning, but there wasn't really anything for me to do anyway. So, since I made no money today, what do I do? I leave work and buy a small, practise amp. There is supposed to be work for me tomorrow though.
I spent most of the afternoon asleep on the couch.
And later, started watching 21 Grams.
Erika called, saying that tonight is her last night in the city, and people were getting together at Union Pool again. 'I'm in the middle of watching a movie, but I'll come out when it's over.'
I really enjoyed the movie. Or, as much as much as enjoy is an appropriate word for something that sad.
Christian and Leila were at Union Pool again. Chris came and left. Christian and Leila headed out. Hannah showed up, looking for a lost credit card. Erika stayed to have a drink with her, and I'm never one to leave the bar when other people are having one more.
One turned into three. I spent some time talking to Hannah's roommate, also named Hannah. Told Erika that I have a big crush on Leila. 'Hold it there. That's my best friend's girl you're talking about,' she told me.
'I know. And it's not like I have any desire, well, maybe desire is the wrong word, intention of doing anything about it. Besides, you called me from his phone earlier, so I don't even have her phone number.' That last comment was a bit tongue in cheek.
'That's actually kind of funny,' she said, 'Shannon and I were actually talking about how you and Christian are a lot alike.' I guess it would make sense that we'd be attracted to the same sorts of girls.
And later, I don't know how it came up, but I'm sure it wasn't as out of the blue as it sounds here, I said, 'Stef never bit hard enough.'
'I probably shouldn't even say this,' Erika said, 'but Leila is a biter. Christian was complaining about it the other day.'