28 August 2004
![[ ]](http://mbpix.mushroom.net/20040828a.gif)
All my dreams last night, which I remember fairly vividly, were about strippers, drugs, and gambling.
Because of my migraine, and my early night, I was considerably less hung over than most everyone else this morning. On the way to brunch I dropped a quarter in a 25¢ slot machine. I did the same twice yesterday. This time I won $5, which mitigated, slightly, my poker losses from yesterday.
I spent the last of my money ($13, not including my pocketful of quarters) on brunch. This was an expensive 24 hours, and not something that I have any desire to do ever again, with the possible exception of the poker (sober next time though). But at least it's something that I can say I've done.
When I got back home to Brooklyn I found my new guitar waiting for me. I broke the high E string attempting to tune it, I guess I have a natural inclination to tune higher than necessary, this is not the first time I've done that. And still couldn't get the remaining five strings in tune.
Rob's uncle in Astoria was hosting a birthday dinner for him this evening, and so I headed out there. Met some of Rob's family. Had some good food.
Came back home to break another E string before finding Dan's electric tuner.