21 October 2004
![[ ]](http://mbpix.mushroom.net/20041021a.gif)
It's disconcerting to find that it's still dark on the receiving end of the morning commute. I did get up early. I was showered and out of the house by about 6. The office was of course empty. I like having the office to myself, as I liked having the studio to myself at school. But only in contrast to its normal bustling. By the time other people started coming in I had made a pretty good dent in the renderings that I couldn't get myself to work on last night.
And then of course the concept changed a little, and first thing in the morning became early afternoon. And at 430 the concept would be changing again, and not being able to work late tonight would spell another early morning tomorrow, but that's jumping ahead a little bit.
I headed up to the plaza around 2. To get a look at things in their (semi-) finished state. And, maybe more significantly from an intentions standpoint, to see if Claire was around. And we talked for a little while, but I still didn't ask her if she would like to get a drink sometime, or a cup of coffee, or whatever. Then she was back upstairs to her office, and I was off to lunch, then back to mine.
Dan called and asked if I was interested in seeing an NYU production of Sweeney Todd tonight. 'Yeah, definitely,' I told him. 'Although I might fall asleep.'
The aforementioned concept change. Then back to the plaza. And Claire was not around this time, but Eddie found me and had me measuring scaffolding. Dinner at Temple In the Village. And the aforementioned theatrical production.
It was good for a college production. Granted, they're a renowned drama school, but it was still mostly good. I was a bit disappointed that the design was only slightly adapted from the original broadway production (a video of which was made from the national tour thereof). For me, the most fun in staging any theatre, although especially opera, is in the re-imagining from a production standpoint. I know that I'm somewhat biased, which should be obvious given my interests, education, and current employment, but don't other people have some leanings in that direction? Dan thought that production design might be attached to the copyright that you're buying into when you pay for the rights to stage the play.
I did manage to stay awake. Although I started fading a little bit towards the end of the first act. And home. And off to bed before too long in preparation for another early morning.