31 October 2004
![[ ]](http://mbpix.mushroom.net/20041031a.gif)
Bret was in town the other day, but between helping Amanda with her movie and drinking, he didn't have any time to hang out. Of course I did my own fair share of drinking without him. In any case, today is his birthday, and I don't think I'm ever going to get over just how terribly appropriate that is. Even if he's always going to be pocket-sized in my heart.
Sam was also in town today, and after buying a car on Long Island he came back into the city and we met for dinner. 'Mom has the strangest costume ideas,' he told me. 'She wanted to print a map of Miami beach on her clothes or something, and then have a cardboard moon on her shoulder and be Moon Over Miami.'
When she was in town last weekend she was talking about dressing up as Far From the Maddening Crowd. 'They're very literary ideas that she has.'
'Which is cooler than going as a vampire or a clown or something.'
'Definitely. But of course, just like the rest of us, she was too lazy to actually make a costume at all.' I didn't even do anything last minute with fluorescent posterboard this year. And here we are, 26 minutes away from the end of Halloween, I don't think I'm going to come up with a costume.
I did do laundry today. Finally. And looked at some more lofts, this time one street over, and although they are some of the nicer spaces in my neighborhood, the building is only two floors, so no views, and no roof access.