Saturday. Still not drinking.
13 November 2004
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I made a two o'clock appointment to look at an apartment off of the Montrose stop on the L. Figured that brunch could probably be squeezed in before then. I should have known better and looked at the apartment first, as Chris wasn't back from Queens until sometime after one and then spent the rest of the afternoon not answering his phone. I guessed, and later confirmed, that he was sleeping.
So brunch never happened.
He and Julia and I did meet up in Manhattan later on for dinner. He had told me before this that I no longer had the worst break-up story of any of his friends, 'You and Stef hadn't bought an apartment together.' Julia seemed to be dealing pretty well, though.
After dinner we wandered around for a bit. It was cold and we wanted to find somewhere indoors, but as I'm still in my self-proclaimed week of sobriety, bars were out. 'How about a movie?'
'I haven't been to a mainstream movie in forever.' But, as it was saturday night, around nine o'clock, things were largely sold out. I hadn't heard of any of the movies playing anyway. Since I don't watch TV with commercials anymore, and hardly ever read the papers.
On the way out of the theatre we crossed paths with Paolo, Ryan, and a friend of theirs, quite possibly also a RISD kid, who were going to see The Incredibles. Paolo is a comic book artist, after all.
'So. We could walk over to Village East. Indie films are less likely to be sold out.' And we ended up seeing Birth. Which was not really that good. It was tedious at points, and ultimately empty. On the other hand, the sound design was good. I don't think that I disliked it quite as much as Chris and Julia did. But I wouldn't recommend that anyone go out of their way to see it.
On the train back to Brooklyn Chris gestures to the back of the car and says, 'Those girls were at the table right across from us at dinner.' Which was now about four hours ago. 'Unfortunately you never seem to just randomly cross paths with the people that you really want to see.' I'm not entirely sure what he meant by that. But I do know what it meant to me.