Hypothetically speaking.
22 November 2004
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It's Monday, but still feels like the weekend. I haven't had any work with PDG for over a week. This is all eerily reminiscent of the early summer. I know that things there have been slow. And I know the trick to getting work when it's slow is to just be around. But I can't bring myself to go to the office for eight hour days on the off chance that I might get two or three hours of billable work. That's just saying 'Look! I'm a doormat. Walk all over me.' Two or three hours is more than nothing, but is it worth that compromise to never get treated with any more respect?
Plus, I promised Marie that I would take the cat to the vet this evening, so even if I had gone into the office this morning I would have had to leave early.
It took me twenty minutes to catch the cat and get her into the pet carrier. She's skittish under the best of conditions. When she catches on that you're trying to lock her in a little box?
Found the vet no problem. It's down near where I was looking at those fancy lofts that I could never afford. The vet's assistant (or apprentice or intern or whatever the correct term is) was cute. I'm all self-conscious about pointing out the cute girls that I come across since Marisa pointed out that I crush a lot. The ones that I do point out, these are generally the of the sort that would be the subject of a three-day crush, were there any chance of running into them again. And sometimes just the thought of that can be the high point of one's day.
That is 'one' in the hypothetical sense. Similar, in a way, to the 'one' who might, for instance, go out for a drink and find themselves four glasses of wine later wondering if someone broke into their house while they were at work and made their bed. Or maybe nothing like that at all.