Exit NYC.
24 November 2004
![[ ]](http://mbpix.mushroom.net/20041124a.gif)
So the bit about getting the MetroNorth schedules mixed up but by chance arriving at Grand Central about five minutes short of having to wait another two hours is not really of interest to anyone. Long story short, I left the city, my mom picked me up at the station in Wassaic around four.
Shopping. Cooking. Eating.
TV with commercials, which I haven't done in forever. Aerial photos online. (It's great that someone has picked up where geoURL left off nearly a year ago.)
Baking a vegan pumpkin pie for tomorrow.
And then out for a few drinks with Aaron. At the Woodlands, one of the few places to get drinks out here in the country. And the place was packed with kids home for Thanksgiving. Mostly college kids, who probably grew up with Sam. But a few people Aaron knew. And one from my class, who I hadn't seen since graduation from 8th grade, more than half our lives ago.
I wasn't terribly good friends with most of the kids that I went to grade school with. Which is why I haven't kept in touch with all but one of them. But we caught up a bit, as much of an overview of sixteen years as you can squeeze into a few minutes of conversation. He's married. Poised to take over the family business. Other classmates have kids. It's a whole different world.