The morning after.
13 December 2004
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As soon as I got into bed last night the radiator started banging. Old radiators in old houses do that sort of thing, so it's not a surprise, but this was constant, a bang every two-thirds of a second or so, for about twenty minutes, although not consistent enough to be lulled into sleep by, and starting literally within seconds of when I turned off the light.
It settled down after a bit, and I slept. Not great, but alright.
Used the shower for the first time this morning. Hot water. Good pressure. I have to duck a bit to get my head underneath the fixture, but it's not the first time I've had a shower like that.
And on the A for my new morning commute. Somewhere in the long, quick stretch between 125th and 59th the train slowed to a crawl, stopped. An announcement of congestion from the conductor. Started again. Stopped again. 'Ladies and gentlemen, we are experiencing heavy delays due to an earlier collision on the local track. We will be moving again shortly.' A man, crazy, or drunk, or both, was screaming, punctuated outbursts of something not quite English. Still, I was at my desk at work less than an hour from the time I walked out the door of my apartment.
Dinner after work at VP2. Which is still convenient. Maybe even more convenient, one stop on the B or D down to West 4th, and then I can pick up the A from there, 203 streets, although only 12 stops (half of them after the A goes back to local when the C ends at 186th) uptown to my station.
Talked to Paolo on the phone. Word of what sounds like it could be a work intensive, but really cool comic project that he's going to be working on. It's so encouraging to see people actually living their dreams.
Then the latest episode of The Wire. And I could tell that something big was brewing, but it still left me shaking as it ended. People are always talking about HBO's two flagship dramas, and having only ever watched two episodes of one of them I can't say much about either, but I'll tell you that The Wire is some good TV.