$11 subway cut.
4 March 2005
![[ ]](http://mbpix.mushroom.net/20050304a.gif)
Stopped at the barber shop in the Columbus Circle subway station on the way into work this morning to get my hair cut. Finally. It was becoming increasingly clear that I wasn't going to do it myself. And I had received a few offers, but so far time had just not been found, and I was less and less happy with my hair every day. I've walked past the barber shop and it's 'Haircuts $11.00 (Tax Included)' sign a couple times a week for the last few months. This morning it was time.
It's not the best haircut I've ever gotten. But it's certainly not the worst. I'm happy with it. Everyone says it looks nice. (Although that is what people say.)
Talked with George on the phone this afternoon about finding direction in one's life. I think it's very common amongst our generation to still have absolutely no idea what we want to be when we grow up. Even into our thirties. I'm curious as to what our mid-life crises are going to look like.
Due to a continued lack of a debit card and having not stopped by the bank to withdraw money the old fashioned way, my hands were tied as to buying shelving, silverware, or paint for my kitchen this evening. I did find my new debit card in my mailbox when I got home. Three days short of a month later. I've got a busy weekend ahead of me.