Alien speakers.
24 March 2005
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The sky was so bright last night because of the way the sleet reflected the light of the city that it was hard to fall asleep. It was like there was a full, pink moon out, peering in my bedroom window.
Still, somehow I managed to get myself out of bed at a reasonable hour this morning. I've been noticing that I wake up at about ten minutes past seven every morning, two or three minutes before my alarm goes off if it's a weekday, regardless of when I got to sleep the night before. And usually I feel relatively rested at this point. But am often having interesting dreams, and figure that I could only be more rested with another ten or fifteen minutes of sleep. So that's two until the alarm, and nine for the first snooze, and then I'm wrecked. And I snooze again and again, nine minutes of fitful sleep at a time, until I either drag myself out of bed, reset my alarm, or pass the hour and a half or so that it takes to stop going off.
This morning I forced myself to get up without snoozing. But it was a struggle, I don't think that I'll be able to do it every morning.
In the mail today, computer speakers, which for me are also stereo speakers, TV speakers, home theatre speakers, that look like aliens.