Eight to twenty-five.
1 April 2005
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Not a whole lot of sleep. Crazy bad stress headaches all day. Freaking out about the party. Will I be ready in time. Who's going to show up? Who's not going to show up? Will it get out of hand? Will people have a good time?
George called and offered to come down early and help me finish getting stuff together, buying snacks and booze, cleaning. Ellen called to say she's been sick the last couple of days, bronchitis, maybe pneumonia, feels like there's broken glass in her lungs, and she probably wouldn't be coming. Rob called to say he might be late, but that he and Dan and Marie were all coming. Dave.Z called to say that he had a lot to do to prepare for his own party tomorrow night and so he was still waffling about showing up.
Today was Chloe's last day at PDG, after starting as an intern five and a half years ago, and pretty much the whole office got together downstairs for a drink after work. It's sad to see her go, she's been one of the people in the office who has always been friendly and made me feel welcomed. Being married to someone else in the office, I'm sure that she'll still be around a bunch.
What it meant for the party was an hour less of prep time, and the fact that she and Mike, at least, and probably most of the rest of the PDG group, would not be coming.
Geroge arrived in the city just as I got home on the subway, around 7 PM. He helped sweep and toss stuff in my closets. I made dinner, which we never got around to eating, and guacamole for the party. Walked to the liquor store. Vodka, gin, tequila, sweet vermouth. I've got whiskey, rum, triple sec, and dry vermouth in my bar (or on the top of my fridge) at home. I'm not sure that people will want to drink too many mixed drinks, but I like being able to offer. Then the deli on the corner for beer. No twelve-packs or cases, so six each of Brooklyn lager and IPA, and six of Corona. Sent george to the supermarket for ice and limes, and I carried the booze home and folded my futon mattress up into a couch.
Distributed low-wattage lights. Set up a snack table.
Chris arrived. 'I've got good news and bad news.'
'What's the bad news?'
'Julia's not coming. She's on a date with a tall boy.'
'So that probably means that Jessie's not coming either. What's the good news?'
'Dave's not coming.' It was ironic good news.
'When did you talk to him?'
'This morning. He said he had to clean his apartment, but all they ever do for parties is move the table out of the kitchen.'
'I talked to him about two hours ago, and he was still up in the air about coming. We'll see.' And so we did when he showed up half an hour later.
Attempting to make a manhattan in my new cocktail shaker, the first drink that I had used it for, the metal shaking cup got stuck on the glass mixing cup and wouldn't come loose, eventually shearing the rim off the top of the glass cup and adding lots of little shards of glass to the cocktail. So much for shaken drinks. The rest of the mixed drinks, two replacement manhattans, a sparkling cider cosmo, and a handful of margaritas, were all stirred.
Marie and Dan arrived. Then Rob. Paolo called to say that he and Ryan were just leaving Brooklyn. 'Well, it will probably take at least an hour to get here, but people are still arriving.' Dave left after a bit and passed them coming the other way from the subway.
Erik.L called around 1 AM to say that he was still at a dinner party in Queens and wasn't going to make it. Apologized. Said he'd definitely make the veggie barbecue that I've been talking about having some Saturday afternoon once it warms up.
And so that was it. Eight guests. Fully half of them were not drinking, so my fridge is still full of beer, but they did eat all the guacamole.
George left for the two hour drive home. 'You're welcome to stay and sleep on the floor. Eventually I'll have a couch and be able to offer people a real place to crash.' Marie and Rob headed back to Bay ridge with Dan in tow, somewhat inspired to have a housewarming party of their own in a couple of weeks. And eventually Paolo and Ryan headed out, and Chris soon after them.
The night was at the low-key end of my expectations, but was certainly more of a success than last year's birthday party. The people who came seemed to enjoy themselves, and learned that the top of Manhattan really isn't that far away.