magicbeans. nothing if not awkward.

bean is not actually from antarctica. his heart is covered in paisleys.

he makes tiny little pictures and sometimes writes about his life.

This is summer.

18 June 2005

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Sonali is in town for the next two weeks for some sort of teacher conference/workshop (she is a little fuzzy on the details herself). She dropped by Kate's as Chris and I were finishing brunch, as did Garth and Evy, and the five of us spent a good chunk of the afternoon sitting around in Tompkins Square Park.

Later, after everyone splintered off in the separate directions for a while, and I bought a new American Apparel hoodie, we met back up on (late of PDG) Peter.H's girlfriend Sonya's annual start of summer rooftop party in the East Village.

Then more drinks in a bar somewhere downtown where a friend of Evy's plays pool. And then drunk on a train home while everyone else took cabs.