Measly four.
10 August 2005
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I haven't been sleeping much recently. It's not quite the same degree of insomnia that I had when I first moved to New York, but it has been causing me to toss and turn most of the night, finally falling into deep sleep around sunrise, then hitting snooze for an hour plus when my alarm goes off, and being in something of a fog all day. I'm not sure exactly what's causing it. It doesn't help that Chesterfield's gone mostly nocturnal and spends the dark of the night pouncing on scraps of paper and other imaginary prey. Or maybe she's always been that way and it's only this period of sleeplessness that's led me to notice.
But whatever the case, the exhaustion, and the lack of dinner, led the four beers that I had tonight after work to completely incapacitate me. It seems that when I want to slip into a fuzzy alcohol oblivion that I can drink all night and only succeed in getting slightly dehydrated, but when there are things that I really should deal with when I get home, a measly four drinks does me in.