Still not one of the cool kids.
2 December 2005
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Today was another Friday for which I set a deadline for having all of the design work for the museum project finished. I think I've set that deadline each of the last three weeks. And once again that deadline wasn't met. Although in my defense, there is really only one, albeit large, piece for which the hold up is entirely, or really even partly, on me. The rest is all images that haven't come from the bank, text that hasn't been approved, things that get changed last minute and have to be redone. And for the piece that is resting on me, I think I had a pretty big breakthrough (read: compromise to my idealistic standards) today, so that I should be able to get it finished over the weekend.
After work, people were heading out to a bar in Williamsburg for a birthday party, about which I was on the fence, given all I still need to do for my own party tomorrow night. When I overheard talk about possibly stopping at a Thai restaurant for dinner on the way, I was much closer to being sold on the idea. But apparently I'm still not one of the 'cool kids' and when the Thai dinner party (which turned out only to be two people) left without even a word to me, I decided that I should probably just head home by way of the supermarket.
I picked up snacks and some drink mixers. Made a tiny stab at cleaning when I got home. And called it an early Friday night.