Debt is such a grown up concern.
9 December 2005
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It was a frustrating day of meetings and administrative setbacks on the 'family-tree', the very last museum graphical piece. The need to add MBNA is throwing a wrench into the works. The Bank of America acquisition of MBNA has also thrown a wrench into my proud claim that although they've owned 80% of my work life for the last year and a half, I don't have an account with them. My BankBoston account in Providence, which would have become a FleetBoston account, which would have become a Bank of America account, never made it that far as I was sold off in an anti-monopoly move to Sovereign, an account which is long since closed in any case. But now, now not only will I have an account with Bank of America, I'll owe them money.
On the plus side, all this talk about MBNA today, who own my largest (sans student loans) debt, with the highest interest rate, finally provoked me to apply for one of those 0.0% APR for 12 months on balance transfers cards, and although I wasn't approved with a high enough limit to transfer all my debt (or even half of it), it will make a difference. And I also called MBNA directly, pointed out that my credit is currently in pretty good standing and that I've been paying a little more aggressively into the principal of my debt, and got them to lower my interest rate from the pretty much usury level that it was at, to a still outrageous, but much lower level.
I may still be shying away from grown up responsibilities on a lot of levels, but at least at 30 I'm finally making a stab at basic fiscal responsibility.