A shocking lack of quality control.
16 May 2006
![[ ]](http://mbpix.mushroom.net/20060516a.gif)
I sent the monitors that I purchased with my new computer back to be replaced. The luminance across the face of both was variable and splotchy. It was subtle, I might not have even noticed it right away if I didn't use my computer to watch TV, where it was more obvious in the black of letterboxed bands. In the meantime I've got loaners from Digital Society that do not share this problem, although do have bad pixels and (on one in particular) a terrible colour cast.
I went down to check out the replacement monitors before lugging them all the way back home, to discover that they had not been replaced, but simply "repaired", and that while the problem was less noticeable now, it was still evident. I contemplated bring them home anyway, or at least the better of the two, but then thought, if you're spending over $1k on something, it should do what it's meant to do as damn near close to perfectly as it can manage, and these monitors were still far from perfect.
I had done some research before purchasing them, and while there are certainly cheaper monitors, and some comparatively priced, more fully featured monitors, the Apple displays received pretty top notch reviews in everything except quality control. And while I haven't read about anyone else experiencing the problem that I had with mine, I'm certainly seeing that lack of QC firsthand.