Buddy System.
9 September 2006
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Chris completely blew off brunch today. I ended up eating brunch alone at Organic Grill at around 3:30. Then meeting up with Er!n, who I hadn't talked to in about a year, before chatting briefly last week via IM, and then randomly running into on the street the very next day. We hung out for an hour or so, she headed off to do some work, and I headed uptown, to The PIT.
Tonight was the official premier show of Jessie's sketch comedy troupe, Buddy System. She had invited me to write 'another so-so review', like when I said of their sketch-writing class graduation show (and I paraphrase here), 'Comedy has the potential to really suck. They didn't suck.' Which from me, she took to be a "glowing" review.
First, they sold out the house again. Second, they are leaps and bounds beyond where they were two months ago. 'This time you're going to get better than a so-so review,' I told Jessie afterwards. Of the ten skits, I thought that the weakest two were the ones that they repeated from their graduation show, which were unfortunately the opener and closer. Of course, I may have felt this way towards them because I already knew the jokes going in. Beyond that though, I thought the new material was funny, their acting was more polished, and they seem to be gelling pretty well as a team.
If you're in NYC, or will be on either of the next to Saturdays, I recommend checking them out. And if they keep with it after this three show run and continue to work on new material and book new shows, I certainly plan on continuing to support them.
As an aside, I've got girls on the brain again. Which, yes I know, maybe goes without saying, but it seemed like all day, culminating in the subway ride home, my mind was even a little bit more one-tracked than usual.