18 September 2006
I was sick this weekend. At first I thought that it was just a hangover, albeit seemingly disproportionate to the amount that I had had to drink the night before. But between the chills and the vertigo and the pounding in my head and the puking and the general malaise, I began to think that food poisoning was a more likely culprit. I'm not entirely sure from where I would have contracted it though. My guess would be Decibel, the sake bar that I went to with Chris and Jon, but all I had to eat there was a cold soba dish and a bowl of edamame, both generally pretty safe, and you would suspect that I place that serves sushi would be extra careful about contamination. I don't think that it could have been the tainted spinach that is in the news, I can't recall eating any spinach any time in the last few weeks. I suppose that it could have just been the flu, although I also don't recall coming in contact with anyone who was sick.
Anyway, it was unpleasant, but I'm feeling better today. I'm still a little feverish, and I haven't really tried eating anything more complex than miso soup, but certainly on the mend.