East 32nd Street.
14 November 2006
![[ ]](http://mbpix.mushroom.net/20061114a.gif)
And in other news, I've taken to falling in love with complete strangers on the street again. Like the girl opening the door to her apartment building on East 32nd tonight. A cute haircut and nice glasses and my imagination can just fill in the rest and I don't have to worry about being charming or interesting or making an effort because I'm never going to interact with her.
And yes. I'm being ironic. But sometimes I just feel so supremely ill-equipped for actually getting to know people.
I went to see a pre-release screening of Richard Linklater's narrative adaptation of Fast Food Nation this evening. Granted, I haven't eaten meat (and hence most fast food) in over 20 years, and consequently am a member of the "choir", but still, I thought it was pretty lightweight, and unlikely to make much of an impression on anyone who sees it. Sure the slaughterhouse scenes were disturbing, but that falls more into the category of 'Do you think about where your food comes from?' than it does in the realm of exposing the evils (societal, environmental, health-based) of our fast food culture. And it seemed as if the audience was bothered more by the image of a disgruntled worker spitting in a burger than they were in the notion that the burger most likely contained an 'excessive level of fecal matter'.