Chris says: Girls ruined my year.
2 December 2006
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Jen.C called Chris yesterday while we were standing on the street in Williamsburg to ask about brunch. As Chris has failed to get out of bed in time to make it to brunch for the past few weeks, he handed the phone of to me. Jen was having a couched delivered sometime between noon and 4:00, which I pointed out was basically the same window as brunch, but that if it showed up towards the beginning of that block she should call. And I guess that it did, and she called Chris and actually convinced him to leave his house, and the three of us met up at Kate's Joint around 2:00.
And it was nice to hang out with Jen, but despite her claims of wanting to make more of an effort at getting out and being social, I'm inclined to second Chris's prediction that neither of us will hear from her for another two months.
Later, on the subway platform on the way out to Brooklyn, Chris tells me, 'Girls ruined my year. Which is not even entirely true, but it's the simplest way to put it.'
'But, haven't girls basically ruined every year? Since like 13? They've ruined basically every year of mine. Except 2003.'
Sarcastically, 'And that ended well.'
'Yeah, that went terribly during the last two weeks of the year. And it was because of a girl.'
And a little later, over beers at Union Pool, 'And it mostly has to do with telephones this year. Things with girls have gone badly in the past, but this year, with the telephones, things were worse.'
Let me point out that Union Pool is dead. It was still relatively early, nine-something, but there were only maybe a dozen people there. The last time I was at Union Pool was that incredibly awkward night four weeks ago, on which Channing asked, 'Is this place usually this hopping? I've never been here before.'
'It's inconsistent,' I said. 'Sometimes the place is empty. This is probably the most packed I've ever seen it.' I was recalling this exchange when Caitlin and Channing walked in. (I have run into someone I know almost every time I've been there, it is a hipster bar in Williamsburg, after all. But they both live in Park Slope.)
'You were saying something about girls ruing your year?' I said to Chris while they were waiting at the bar. They came back over and joined us once they had drinks. They had gone to see that gallery show that we had stopped by last night, and had bought a number of little trinkets and things at the gifty shop that the gallery is attached to. Which provided something to look at and talk about and avoid awkward conversation topics for a while.
When we had finished our beers, Chris said, 'Dave called and said that there was a pretty good crowd at the Sin Destroyers show now. I think I'm going to walk up the hill and say hello, and then probably just go home.' This was also my opportunity to make a semi-graceful exit, although Caitlin flashed me some sort of look as I said goodbye.
As it happened, the "show" wasn't really a show, but simply a party for the release of their new Christmas video. It was crowded and a little too brightly lit and the free booze had already run out. And I followed Chris's lead again in saying hello and then goodbye and heading out.
And for the second night this weekend I was still sober enough to read on the subway ride home.