I had every intention of looking at the clouds.
31 October 2007
![[ ]](http://mbpix.mushroom.net/20071031a.gif)
No costumes this Halloween. No parties. No trick-or-treaters. Almost no candy. No arcane rituals. No thinning of the mists. No ghosts or goblins. No bumps in the night (aside from cars rattling the steel plates covering utility work holes in the street in front of our house).
I did, with invaluable errand-running help from Jenny, finish production of my Mix Swap CDs, which were supposed to be in the mail today. They will go out tomorrow. The mix itself has been done since the middle of September, within a week of this year's swap announcement. I've been tweaking the packaging design on and off since then. But it took the arrival of Caitlin's CD in today's mail (lions!) to push me towards completion. She's the swap's organiser, and I suspect one of the few participants to have actually met the stated deadline.