Rivers the colour of my eyes.
16 July 2010
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So I'm taking two summer classes. One is Advanced Cataloguing. Super library geek class. But I'm into it. The other is Map Collections, for which I get to go hang out in the map room at the NYPL twice a week and look at amazing maps.
That was this morning, maps. I love maps. My final project, still somewhat poorly defined, involves lighthouses and towers and mythology and places I've lived and places that maybe someday I'd like to live. Today, Centenial maps of Litchfield County, 19th Century maps of Alexandria (the one in Egypt), maps of the Canary Island El Hierro which was formerly Ferro and was the location of the Prime Meridian before Greenwich because it was the westernmost discovered land of Europe. Oh, and an incredible 1918 map of lighthouses along the coast of China.
Then lunch, and then, because of the heat and the fact that my meal schedule has been terribly erratic recently, I felt sick. Also, I think it was the beginning of a migraine. Lucky two Excedrine staved it off, which does't always work.
Now, Kate Nash's song "Pickpocket" on repeat.
Soon, bed.