Ah, nostalgia.
18 July 2010
![[ ]](http://mbpix.mushroom.net/20100718a.gif)
Sunday crossword at Pillow Cafe.
Homework at, of all places, home. Moving around as little as possible so as not to overheat and begin pouring sweat from all pores. There was a nice breeze coming in the window for part of the afternoon as I sat on the couch with a glass of ice water and websites about maps.
We canceled our cable service as we were hardly watching any TV and are all relatively broke. One of the times I was watching TV was Sunday evening, when Syfy plays terrible movies. No longer able to do that, I decided to watch one of the good movies that I have on my computer.
I've converted a few to be watched on the iPad, but when I tried that with Magnolia the sound slowed down to 1/3 normal speed (while the video continued to play correctly). I tried to hook up my projector, having finally retrieved the cable attachment from a box of computer stuff the last time I was at my mom's house. But apparently there's one more piece that I still need. So I watched it shrunk down into two thirds of my laptop screen. I did manage to get both glitch bars to go dark-grey/black and turn the window frame off on the movie.
It was like watching something letterboxed on an old 13" TV. Actually, now that I think about it, that's how I used to watch movies my very first year in college. Of course those were also the days of 9,600 baud dial-up modems, and there were only a few hundred pages on the entire "world wide" web. Ah nostalgia.
Magnolia was not quite as good as I remembered it. I'm sure the non-optimal viewing had something to do with that. It might also have something to do with the fact that at the time it was released Tom Cruise was nowhere yet near the joke that he is today.
Later, email from M wondering if I had abandoned Project Parlor completely or only during her shifts. Neither exactly, although I have been taking a bit of an intentional break. Parlor is still my local, for what it's worth, and I'm sure I'll turn up sooner or later.