magicbeans. nothing if not awkward.

bean is not actually from antarctica. his heart is covered in paisleys.

he makes tiny little pictures and sometimes writes about his life.

Three or four words.

8 August 2010

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Yesterday, after all the crazy dreams, Kate was hosting a barbeque party to celebrate her new job. Mojitos, chips and mango salsa, beans, corn on the cob, beer. And more beer. And more beer.

So today was one of those full-day queasy stomach hangover kind of days. I don't know if it's just getting older, or if I'm low on some vitamin or nutrient that helps regulate the stomach after too much booze, or if I've developed a slight alcohol allergy. There's no real headache associated with these hangovers, just feeling lousy all day.

Consequently, not a great deal accomplished today. Although a few small, but important, things.