One beer as precaution.
10 September 2010
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I dreamt about you last night. And other girls too, but the bit with you stands out in my mind. I was in a library. You came over to say hi. We hugged and you gave me an innocent little kiss, just a peck, though on the lips. After you had left, a friend came up to me. "What was that?" she asked.
"We're talking again," I said.
"But that kiss," she said.
"What? It was just a little peck."
Later you can back and kissed me again. Kissed me kissed me. Kissed me, kissed me, kissed me. And later, another friend asked, "Why are you studying, when you could be kissing her?"
"The library's not the place for making out," I said.
Spent the morning running around doing errands. Once again, I didn't manage to squeeze in the time to make it to my new studio space that I've been complaining about not having for so long.
Stopped by a gallery opening in Williamsburg for a show that Emily had some work in, then off into Manhattan to see the Golden Palominos at City Winery. And wow.