8 November 1999
![[ ]](http://mbpix.mushroom.net/19991108a.gif)
while i was working in the library tonight a girl came up to the reference desk and asked for a search request form. she was sorta that "alternative" art school type, hovering near the line between personal style and non-conformist for the sake of non-conformism. but something struck me. it might have been the way she shyly said hello when she walked up.
after she filled out the form and left, i looked more closely at it. the book that she was looking for was the fifth volume of the elfquest graphic novel reprints. i'm not assigning any meaning to that, just stating it as a matter of fact. draw yr own conclusions.
i finished my paper at 245 this morning. i figured i should go to kinko's and print it out then rather than trying to get up even earlier than usual and possibly encountering problems. i thought about reading it over, but decided the time would be better spent sleeping and i should get it over with as quickly as possible.
it was damn cold out at three this morning. i really should start getting my papers finished sooner so that i can print them in a computer lab. kinko's is just too much of an investment of time and money.
but the paper was done, and in on time. and 3+ hours of sleep is almost reasonable. (never thought i'd be saying those words, i've nearly been assimilated into the architecture student culture.)
by shear coincidence we covered the same subject matter in both materials and methods and modern architecture this morning. tensile structures, catenary arches, and such.
did a drawing of the water in my vessel this afternoon. we're kinda s'posed to have a detailed analysis done by tomorrow. but then there was the model shop safety class. dinner. (have i mentioned how much i hate the met recently?) and work. the library was nice and quiet tonight though.
i found two nice quotes from louis kahn tonight, i'll share the shorter (and more apropos to my design principles project) one: "Eternity is of two brothers. The one desires to be to express, the other desires to be to make: the one light non-luminous, the other luminous."
after she filled out the form and left, i looked more closely at it. the book that she was looking for was the fifth volume of the elfquest graphic novel reprints. i'm not assigning any meaning to that, just stating it as a matter of fact. draw yr own conclusions.
i finished my paper at 245 this morning. i figured i should go to kinko's and print it out then rather than trying to get up even earlier than usual and possibly encountering problems. i thought about reading it over, but decided the time would be better spent sleeping and i should get it over with as quickly as possible.
it was damn cold out at three this morning. i really should start getting my papers finished sooner so that i can print them in a computer lab. kinko's is just too much of an investment of time and money.
but the paper was done, and in on time. and 3+ hours of sleep is almost reasonable. (never thought i'd be saying those words, i've nearly been assimilated into the architecture student culture.)
by shear coincidence we covered the same subject matter in both materials and methods and modern architecture this morning. tensile structures, catenary arches, and such.
did a drawing of the water in my vessel this afternoon. we're kinda s'posed to have a detailed analysis done by tomorrow. but then there was the model shop safety class. dinner. (have i mentioned how much i hate the met recently?) and work. the library was nice and quiet tonight though.
i found two nice quotes from louis kahn tonight, i'll share the shorter (and more apropos to my design principles project) one: "Eternity is of two brothers. The one desires to be to express, the other desires to be to make: the one light non-luminous, the other luminous."