6 July 2000
![[ ]](http://mbpix.mushroom.net/20000706a.gif)
in my dream i go into an art gallery to buy tickets for the ida / secret stars / low / his name is alive show in new york later this month. i am with two people, maybe chris.k and kate. they might be buying tickets for some other show. i buy two tickets. we have to go next door, into a building that may be a church or a theatre (or both) to pick up out tickets. we climb up some stairs. and down some stairs. and up some more. then there is a landing and a hallway beyond. but the floor of the landing does not reach all the way to the wall across. there is no floor, and no railing. it is blue and i can not see clearly. i am on the floor because i do not want to fall. i am scared. i can not see clearly and do not know how far down i would fall. the walls are blue. chris and kate walk down the hall. the carpet is blue, and i can not see as if i am not wearing my glasses. the walls are blue, and there is a piece of my artwork on the wall, but it is sideways. chris and kate come back with a woman who works here. she tells me it is all right but i am afraid i will fall where there is no floor. i try to inch my way back the way i came, but i can not move. it is blue, and i am very scared.
i tempted fate. i drank from the fountain in front of the athenaeum library.
legend has it that there is a curse on the fountain (possibly the work of edgar allan poe). in one version, if you drink from the fountain you will never be able to leave providence. in another, you will leave but once more, and when you return it will be for good.
we'll see. someone in my circle had to do it.
(more white rabbits. today's pic was arrived at accidentally, cropping images chosen at random from carrot. i don't always recognize where they come from, but this one is from sam's funzo site.)