1 August 2000
![[ ]](http://mbpix.mushroom.net/20000801a.gif)
today's research topic: the minidisc.
i stopped by a small stereo store last night to pick up some mono to stereo converter jacks for the vcrs in the library, and i was looking around while the store guy went to go look for them, and was charmed by the pretty blue md player/recorder in the counter display case. so i spent the better part of today reading up on them on the internet. how they work, pros and cons of different brands, imports vs domestic models, etc.
and of course i want one. the top of the line's around $300 though. which is a little steep for just another gadget. but they're so cool. and i could be all trendy and euro.
and in all honesty, i almost just whipped out the credit card and bought one. it occurred to me yesterday (and upon the realization i related it to chris.k) that i'm no longer in that ideal target demographic of 18-24. but i'm definitely still an impulsive consumer. although it was probably all the research and comparison shopping that gave me the time to cool down and not buy one.
so i almost forgot about my dreams:
i was taking an architecture studio. there were only two other students in the section besides myself. the critic was my philosophy professor from austin. we were sitting in a circle (as much of a circle as you can make with four people) in a parking lot beside a big building, and he was extolling the virtues of stealing chipboard. and something about using potato starch.
there was a brief interlude in my mom's old kitchen.
then i was in an even more surreal architecture studio. i think it was supposed to be my housing and urbanism studio. the critic was this new-agey woman who was a master of making models out of wax. she may have had some magic powers to do so. there was a large, gothic cityscape model that she kept referring to by drawing lines in the air with her long fingernails. i had a burning candle, and was eating the hot wax as it melted. eventually it started burning out of control, and fell on my foot. i tried to put the flame out by smothering it with my left (i think) hand. the flame went out, and my foot was unscathed, but my sock had a big hole in it, and my hand was sore.