3 December 2000
![[ ]](http://mbpix.mushroom.net/20001203a.gif)
dreamt that sam and i were wandering across the tundra. we came to a spot where there were three giant white birch trees that had been almost cut down but not all the way, so that they were continuing to grow, but at ninety degree angles. they marked the location of a winter storm shelter, built in a the style of what seemed futuristic in the fifties. we looked around. there was a pantry full of emergency sorts of foods, most of which weren't vegan, but we found enough that we could eat and decided to stay for a while.
after a bit a group of third or fourth graders and their teacher showed up on a field trip. while they were milling about i decided to look outside. from one window i saw a huge, snow-filled chasm that i hadn't noticed when we arrived. from another window i saw what looked like big roman ruins, but made out of very red brick. i stepped out onto the front porch (a very traditional porch for a futuristic shelter) and there was a neighborhood surrounding us. mostly brick. big, fancy houses.
the field trip kids left, and i told sam that we should probably leave too if this was the village shelter, since they probably wouldn't take kindly to us squatting there, their houses being all ritzy and upper-class and everything.
so we left. and the small neighborhood turned into a larger town. and in the distance there were skyscrapers, but they were just really big boxes of colour against the sunset-orange sky. i figured we must be in the capital of a canadian province. but i didn't know which one.
there was a building with a 4ad sign, which i thought was the headquarters of 4ad canada. they had a store attached that i presumed was a record store, but turned out to be a clothing store, selling the sorts of clothes that a typical 4ad fan would wear. there was a bookstore across the street with a big graphic novel section. i flipped through a book that was drawn mostly with stick figures, but was very dark humor.
i found my way to the subway, figuring that that would help me find out what city i was in. they used metrocards like in new york city, but a little different because prices were in canadian dollars. i looked for a vending machine that took credit cards (not having any canadian currency) and found one that dispensed both metrocards and chairs. i assumed that the chairs were like the really nice coloured plastic ones beside the machine so i bought two, but instead it fabricated these flimsy little things made out of piano wire and semi-transparent fabric. i took one with me anyway.
i ran into some risd people in the subway station. they were late for something.
i was worried when chris.k told me he had four confirmed guests for sushi tonight. that's on top of the three of us, cybèle, and christian. five or six people is good. seven is okay. but more is just too much. even if they're all friends. it just sort of freaks me out. and two were people that i don't really know, johnny and mike. and the other two were jen.c and matthew, and well, there's still some unresolved issues there, faded, but you know. not that i wouldn't want to see jen. i never see her this year.
however, i was not all that surprised when she didn't show up. so it was just seven.
and eventually, back to the studio.