29 March 2001
![[ ]](http://mbpix.mushroom.net/20010329a.gif)
dreamt i was in something like a cross between a modern mall and an ancient bazaar. poked around some fresh vegetables, then wandered into a bookstore. alex.s was there with some kids that he knew from rome. we all got onto a bus but weren't completely sure where it was heading. it turned out to be some sort of racist summer camp, and so we tried to leave but they started chasing after us. we managed to escape into ancient rome.
in another dream i threw an old pumpkin off of a balcony. it flew off a railing, cleared a lower porch roof, and then split into pieces, some of them traveling an incredible distance. the place where it landed kept flipping between an interior and exterior space though. sometimes on a couch. sometimes down at the end of a long field near an out-cropping on granite boulders. i went to go see how far it had actually traveled, and gabriel (my department head) was there talking about it as if it were an architectural project. i made some comment about how the art of it was in the chaos.
i had a little bit more work to do on my project today. then print it, and it was off to boston with anne. the cad lab plotter kept reporting "out of memory" errors however, and only printing parts of my file. and my files weren't even all that big, five megs. and most of that was just photoshop overhead, saved they were each under a meg.
"does the plotter upstairs in the mac lab have more memory than ours?" i asked dave, the lab tech.
"sure does. 64megs. it will suck up a big file just like that."
and so i walked up a flight of stairs and tried again. everything looked good. all the correct lights were blinking away. but i waited. and waited. and waited. and no plot. i tried to print from the quicktime picture viewer, figuring that would have less overhead than photoshop. but the best i could do there was to print it at half the correct size. all my fine little line work bled into areas of solid black. i'm going to have to get it professionally printed. kinko's or charrette or something.
and anne was headed back to boston. "can you bring it to my office tomorrow before noon?" she asked.
"well, my roommate with the car went home for break, but he's supposed to be back tonight. if he is here, i'll drive out. well, i find some way to do it in any case."
which all gave me a couple more hours to work.
checked my email after dinner. there was a letter from kate.k. i got kind of flustered and couldn't bring myself to read it. i started looking at it two lines at a time from the end. but eventually decided that that was pretty silly, and just read it. and about my first letter: "I made the mistake of putting off responding until I had time to put together a decent piece of E-mail." which of course is something that i do all the time. she decided "that a stupid answer was better than no answer at all." and it was nice to finally hear from her.