11 June 2001
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so today was my first day of summer work in the library. my week and a half "vacation", which was crazier than most of the semester, is officially over. but work was pretty slow today since there are no classes going on at risd right now.
ran into shelley, my chinese history teacher, around lunch time. she had just turned in grades and so i've got an incomplete at the moment because i took too long with my paper. and it seems like that might hurt my grade a little although she didn't say anything to that effect.
talked to nikki on the phone tonight. not for all that long 'cause she was at work (and on the other side of the world and all), but it was nice to get to exchange a few words.
stef wrote me email tonight to tell me that she's not going to read my journal anymore. she's realized, very insightfully, that having that sort of direct line into my expectations and ideals will likely cause her to try and change in order to better fit them. and even if that smoothes things out in the beginning, it's very unhealthy in the longer term.
those aren't her words exactly. there has never been any direct talk about the long term. it's sort of take it as it comes, and wish for the best, whatever that may turn out to be.