15 July 2001
![[ ]](http://mbpix.mushroom.net/20010715a.gif)
today turned out to be the day on which mike, joe, and i re-photographed all the drawings for the architecture departmental documentation because they didn't come out the first time around. would have been nice to spend the day with stef, but previous commitments and all.
didn't want to wake her up on my way out. wrote a note (and wished it was more poetic, but was in a rush) and left it on the bed beside her. she did wake up up briefly, making the note kind of irrelevant, but i left it for her to read when she got up anyway.
documenting went smoothly for the most part. we worked until about one-thirty, then went out for indian food (again). called chris.k to ask if he was planning on shopping (garth's out of town). he said that he was just planning on picking some stuff up for sushi, so don't worry about it.
back to work until four-thirty when we ran out of film. there's probably a couple more hours of work to be done.
home for a bit. then 438 and the largest sushi night we've ever had. fourteen, i think. and everyone was eating except for chris.k, who despite inviting a good percentage of these people seems to get all stressed when there's that many people around.
[ . . . quoted conversation . . . ]
[and in retrospect, it's the 17th as i type this, today was alex.s's birthday. haven't heard from him recently though. i had managed to eek a few emails out of him towards the end of may, and then early june after stef and i first got together i sent him a long email about that, and then nothing. so i sent a shorter one, about how i still feel like we're in high school and that i can just say anything to him, but that maybe we don't have that sort of relationship anymore and maybe all that personal stuff scared him off.
but anyway. his birthday was the 15th of july, and i hope it was happy. and i hope that i get to see him sometime before too many more years go by.]