26 September 1998
![[ ]](http://mbpix.mushroom.net/19980926y.png)
last night i dreamt i was in a supermarket with sam. we were arguing about shampoos, but i couldn't quite wrap my mind about what my argument was. we did some more shopping and then i noticed that my wallet was missing. i had left it on a counter in the front of the store. when i got there, someone had emptied it out. ('cept it wasn't really my wallet 'cause it had those plastic sleeves that my wallet doesn't have. i didn't notice this in the dream tho.)
i went to a cashier and told her that my credit cards and license and stuff had all been stolen, and she printed me out a new credit card, which i thought was a little strange. then i went to the little administrative desk to talk to the woman there. and yaphet kotto from the tv show homicide was there, although i didn't know if he was the character he plays, or himself. so i talked to the woman, and she gave me another credit card, and i looked at the two of them and they had different numbers and neither was the same as my own. and she told me to cancel my old card, but i said that it was from connecticut. and that got me thinking about my license, and i asked her what i should do if i get pulled over driving, 'cause i was in seattle, and had to drive back cross country.
and then i went out to my car, and my dad was in the parking lot, and we talked for a bit. and then this little miniature toddler ran out into the parking lot after a ball. i stopped her and she was saying "anxiety" in a cute little kid voice. and then yaphet kotto came out looking for her.
so this is turning out to be a big waste of a weekend. i noticed driving into work this morning (yes, i've spent all saturday working) that it was a beautiful day, but i didn't much appreciate that fact. and now it's basically over, and i don't even know if i'm going to have a chance to have a nice dinner. and on top of all that, while i was writing this my mac crashed and lost about an hour of graphic work. fun fun fun.
and now my mac won't even boot.
okay. this is all kinda sinking in now. i've got this huge project due before monday. of course i procrastinated all week. i did most of the scripting last thursday, but put off all the graphic/layout work until today. (tomorrow i've agreed to take sam to see blink 182.) now i've lost most of what i've done, and my mac, my graphics computer, won't even boot up. fuck.
and what i hate most about all this is the fact that i'm complaining about it.
went out to eat with sam. just pasta, nothing special, but it was definitely good to take a break from all this. back at the office now, reinstalling the system software on my mac. all i did was scan something and try to open up the image. and all of a sudden nothing works. and so i'm gonna be installing for who knows how long. and then assuming everything at least works at that point, albeit with none of my customization, i'll then have to completely recreate all my work of earlier today. looks like it might be a late night.
i went to a cashier and told her that my credit cards and license and stuff had all been stolen, and she printed me out a new credit card, which i thought was a little strange. then i went to the little administrative desk to talk to the woman there. and yaphet kotto from the tv show homicide was there, although i didn't know if he was the character he plays, or himself. so i talked to the woman, and she gave me another credit card, and i looked at the two of them and they had different numbers and neither was the same as my own. and she told me to cancel my old card, but i said that it was from connecticut. and that got me thinking about my license, and i asked her what i should do if i get pulled over driving, 'cause i was in seattle, and had to drive back cross country.
and then i went out to my car, and my dad was in the parking lot, and we talked for a bit. and then this little miniature toddler ran out into the parking lot after a ball. i stopped her and she was saying "anxiety" in a cute little kid voice. and then yaphet kotto came out looking for her.
so this is turning out to be a big waste of a weekend. i noticed driving into work this morning (yes, i've spent all saturday working) that it was a beautiful day, but i didn't much appreciate that fact. and now it's basically over, and i don't even know if i'm going to have a chance to have a nice dinner. and on top of all that, while i was writing this my mac crashed and lost about an hour of graphic work. fun fun fun.
and now my mac won't even boot.
okay. this is all kinda sinking in now. i've got this huge project due before monday. of course i procrastinated all week. i did most of the scripting last thursday, but put off all the graphic/layout work until today. (tomorrow i've agreed to take sam to see blink 182.) now i've lost most of what i've done, and my mac, my graphics computer, won't even boot up. fuck.
and what i hate most about all this is the fact that i'm complaining about it.
went out to eat with sam. just pasta, nothing special, but it was definitely good to take a break from all this. back at the office now, reinstalling the system software on my mac. all i did was scan something and try to open up the image. and all of a sudden nothing works. and so i'm gonna be installing for who knows how long. and then assuming everything at least works at that point, albeit with none of my customization, i'll then have to completely recreate all my work of earlier today. looks like it might be a late night.