27 September 1998
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i don't understand people who aren't completely awed by lightning. after my lousy day yesterday a big thunderstorm came trough, and i went outside to watch the lightning. there was so much of it, that the whole "light as day" cliche was basically true. and there was just this constant rumbling of thunder upon thunder upon thunder. i thought to myself that i could live on a planet that had storms like this all the time. as the storm came overhead, i sought refuge in my mom's van. the rain came down harder, and the thunder got louder, and it hailed for a brief while. i noticed that the power was out at the house, but it came back on momentarily. after the storm began to recede, i went back out, and watched the lightning move off to the east. it completely made my day. nature can be so cool.
i had a bunch of dreams this morning. i should have transcribed them then, but instead i decided i'd try to dye my hair blue again. my hair never takes blue. this morning was no different. the faded pink is now a bit closer to faded purple, but other than that... and so i'll try to do my best to recollect my dreams now:
in the first one, i was with a group of people who were hiding out in an apartment from vampires or zombies or something like that. we managed to fend them off, but this one girl got attacked, and it was as if pieces of her skin had been removed, but it wasn't gory, it was very mathematical and geometric. it even looked like pencil lines had been drawn. i said i'd carry her to the hospital, which was kinda nearby, except there were fences and moats and locked doors and things that kept cropping up in my way. the walk was something of a surreal nmh campus, with bits of harvard thrown in. and there was a cliff that i fell off of, or nearly, or something. and at some point along the way, the girl i was carrying may have become a balloon, and then changed back again, maybe.
the second one was another b horror film type plot, but this time it was killer kudzu, and there may have been some political intrigue as a side story. the only bit that i remember, was i was driving in a car with a man and a woman, and along the side of the road we saw this farmer pulled off his tractor by the killer kudzu, and so we stopped to try to help him. but when we got to his field, he was nowhere to be seen, and there were signs that it was a fake attack perpetrated by our enemies (whoever they were).
in the third dream i was at some sort of second hand electronics shop in a strip mall that for some reason i picture as being in california. this shop also had a recording studio and cd pressing facilities. i looked at some used stereo stuff, the coolest of which were two discmans, one that you could plug into the net and program in logo, the other one had some nifty blinky lights or something.
i the last dream that i remember, i thought i was awake and at li, and thinking about my earlier dreams. i actually jotted down some notes about them. then i was configuring a used pc that sam had bought. the first two times that i booted it, it loaded dos, but then with no installation, the third boot was into linux, and it started asking me configuration questions. and there was some bit with marc and/or bret.
i took sam to see blink 182 tonight. the show wasn't too bad, although they took all the seats out, so my legs hurt a bit. blink 182's music is really actually pretty good, but their between song banter is just completely adolescent humor, and, for me anyway, that taints everything else they might do. i actually got into one of the opening bands, unwritten law. i'm not sure if it's enough to buy any of their albums, but it was an okay way to spend the evening.
i had a bunch of dreams this morning. i should have transcribed them then, but instead i decided i'd try to dye my hair blue again. my hair never takes blue. this morning was no different. the faded pink is now a bit closer to faded purple, but other than that... and so i'll try to do my best to recollect my dreams now:
in the first one, i was with a group of people who were hiding out in an apartment from vampires or zombies or something like that. we managed to fend them off, but this one girl got attacked, and it was as if pieces of her skin had been removed, but it wasn't gory, it was very mathematical and geometric. it even looked like pencil lines had been drawn. i said i'd carry her to the hospital, which was kinda nearby, except there were fences and moats and locked doors and things that kept cropping up in my way. the walk was something of a surreal nmh campus, with bits of harvard thrown in. and there was a cliff that i fell off of, or nearly, or something. and at some point along the way, the girl i was carrying may have become a balloon, and then changed back again, maybe.
the second one was another b horror film type plot, but this time it was killer kudzu, and there may have been some political intrigue as a side story. the only bit that i remember, was i was driving in a car with a man and a woman, and along the side of the road we saw this farmer pulled off his tractor by the killer kudzu, and so we stopped to try to help him. but when we got to his field, he was nowhere to be seen, and there were signs that it was a fake attack perpetrated by our enemies (whoever they were).
in the third dream i was at some sort of second hand electronics shop in a strip mall that for some reason i picture as being in california. this shop also had a recording studio and cd pressing facilities. i looked at some used stereo stuff, the coolest of which were two discmans, one that you could plug into the net and program in logo, the other one had some nifty blinky lights or something.
i the last dream that i remember, i thought i was awake and at li, and thinking about my earlier dreams. i actually jotted down some notes about them. then i was configuring a used pc that sam had bought. the first two times that i booted it, it loaded dos, but then with no installation, the third boot was into linux, and it started asking me configuration questions. and there was some bit with marc and/or bret.
i took sam to see blink 182 tonight. the show wasn't too bad, although they took all the seats out, so my legs hurt a bit. blink 182's music is really actually pretty good, but their between song banter is just completely adolescent humor, and, for me anyway, that taints everything else they might do. i actually got into one of the opening bands, unwritten law. i'm not sure if it's enough to buy any of their albums, but it was an okay way to spend the evening.