14 December 1998
![[ ]](http://mbpix.mushroom.net/19981214y.png)
reproduced here without comment (but slightly edited), a conversation between daniel and marc. daniel forwarded it to me, so i believe i have the right to do with it what i will...
mfrasca1 (9:33:46 AM): can i send things off to bryan or no?
dfmsloth73 (9:34:31 AM): yes!!!
dfmsloth73 (9:34:34 AM): why not?
mfrasca1 (9:34:52 AM): just wondering..in ref to beans diary
mfrasca1 (9:34:55 AM): kay
dfmsloth73 (9:35:35 AM): ?
dfmsloth73 (9:35:38 AM): great!
dfmsloth73 (9:36:41 AM): oh, great....
dfmsloth73 (9:36:43 AM): hmmm.
mfrasca1 (9:36:49 AM): ??
dfmsloth73 (9:36:52 AM): what is wrong with his diary?
mfrasca1 (9:37:27 AM): it just said that all communication between li and discover should be done via you
dfmsloth73 (9:42:07 AM): ...well he is dealing with the fact that he took down the servers (twice) by accident...
dfmsloth73 (9:42:13 AM): he think bryan hates him...
dfmsloth73 (9:42:16 AM): so petty...
mfrasca1 (9:42:21 AM): yeah..i read
dfmsloth73 (9:42:38 AM): as far as his diary goes ... do not let it bring you down ....
dfmsloth73 (9:42:55 AM): True I do not know what I am doing runnig a business...
dfmsloth73 (9:43:06 AM): I am a programmer ...and a designer ... much like bean ...
mfrasca1 (9:43:16 AM): i didnt let it get to me
dfmsloth73 (9:43:24 AM): My job is to make sure we take care of a lot of details...
mfrasca1 (9:43:24 AM): ive heard it all before:-)
dfmsloth73 (9:43:33 AM): !
dfmsloth73 (9:44:07 AM): things make me look bad when we have not got the money to pay for things.. it is not in my nature to ask people for money...
dfmsloth73 (9:44:15 AM): its painful for me..
mfrasca1 (9:44:29 AM): understood
dfmsloth73 (9:44:38 AM): I have grown a thick skin, in order to deal with the "business side of things"
dfmsloth73 (9:44:45 AM): I am not happy..
dfmsloth73 (9:44:56 AM): My partner left in 1996...
mfrasca1 (9:45:06 AM): james...right
dfmsloth73 (9:45:23 AM): Connie has not supported us.. yet I still try to do the things that are important to me:
dfmsloth73 (9:45:29 AM): yep .. James..
dfmsloth73 (9:45:47 AM): Employing the staff that have extended themselves to the cause...
mfrasca1 (9:46:09 AM): hey....we try:-)
dfmsloth73 (9:46:42 AM): sure the staff wants to make money ... but that is not the bo5tom line (i think)...and therefore I work CONSTANTLY to make sure that staff at least get as much from it as possible..
dfmsloth73 (9:47:10 AM): ...the other thing I do is make sure the customers are as happy as possible...
mfrasca1 (9:47:12 AM): yeah..i know that it is hard...
mfrasca1 (9:47:28 AM): i think we also got stuck in a lame area..
dfmsloth73 (9:47:38 AM): no time to do the biz side ...cause all I can manage to do is ...as little as I do ...
dfmsloth73 (9:47:58 AM): Bean comes in and out of li focused logic...
mfrasca1 (9:48:03 AM): the biz side sux:-)
dfmsloth73 (9:48:15 AM): that's fine... part of the equation
mfrasca1 (9:48:31 AM): yeah..i know@
dfmsloth73 (9:48:39 AM): li.com = a bunch of whacky "I don't want to be a part of the real world" types.
dfmsloth73 (9:48:47 AM): OK by me!
mfrasca1 (9:49:14 AM): eyah...i kinda like the family feeling
dfmsloth73 (9:49:28 AM): but to make it work.. I have to depend on Nazi letter ... email billing ... and web billing ...
dfmsloth73 (9:49:33 AM): not that easy..!!!!
mfrasca1 (9:49:57 AM): im werking on it..almost done...i think..
dfmsloth73 (9:50:09 AM): I think it is dangerous for Bean's friends to point out a one-sided story...
dfmsloth73 (9:50:20 AM): they only know of a one sided story...
mfrasca1 (9:50:43 AM): i dont think that bean will leave us..
dfmsloth73 (9:52:20 AM): so ...as a team .. li.com should not run into the problems that lakevile internet did... though we are heading in that direction cause billing goes out late ... nazi letter NEVER got sent.. and because the dial up money is coming slowely I have to make fast money... like the harney site ..to keep our billz paid.. I'd rather get web invoices out... but that money is not as quick to get as the harney money...
dfmsloth73 (9:52:48 AM): so I am forced to work around the clock to get their [money] in the door!
dfmsloth73 (9:54:04 AM): ..in between I am trying to make time to do web invoices... {hopefully we will get to some of the web billing today} !
dfmsloth73 (9:54:22 AM): but... we have been trying to do web billing for months...
mfrasca1 (9:54:28 AM): yeah...we should get that done soon...
dfmsloth73 (9:55:19 AM): if 1 out of the three money income controls (nazi,email,web) were to happen properly ...we'd be ok!
mfrasca1 (9:55:39 AM): yeah...
dfmsloth73 (9:55:45 AM): BUT ...I need Bean's help ..and your help.. to get it all done..
dfmsloth73 (9:56:00 AM): I can not be holding it up all the time...
dfmsloth73 (9:56:21 AM): bean on the otherhand has time "to get away form the world" by watching tv...
dfmsloth73 (9:56:48 AM): I do not have such a luxary.. (well except for madtv...but I have missed that 3 weeks in a row now)
dfmsloth73 (9:57:29 AM): Does Isler actually have clients???
dfmsloth73 (9:57:40 AM): I am sure he thinks it is easy..
mfrasca1 (9:57:49 AM): hey..just as long as i catch 90210
dfmsloth73 (9:58:05 AM): [...]
mfrasca1 (9:58:20 AM): yeah..he has a few..
dfmsloth73 (9:58:25 AM): [...]
dfmsloth73 (9:58:34 AM): [...]
mfrasca1 (9:58:35 AM): something similar to asc apparently
dfmsloth73 (9:59:33 AM): ...well, I'm sure.. but it won't take long before he can not handle them ...
dfmsloth73 (10:00:17 AM): a..and he will need to get constant work for bean ... a couple of sites .. means Isler and crew are going to fighting over a small amount of work...
mfrasca1 (10:00:20 AM): yeah...with skewl and all:-)
dfmsloth73 (10:00:51 AM): ...I do not think that is fair to clients that need the sort of support that we give our clients...
mfrasca1 (10:00:57 AM): did all go well with the phone lines?
dfmsloth73 (10:01:30 AM): we did not think it would suck ... but does...
dfmsloth73 (10:01:40 AM): phonelines? yep ... here?? yep!
mfrasca1 (10:01:50 AM): kewl...they called..
mfrasca1 (10:01:54 AM): i'll tell them..
dfmsloth73 (10:01:56 AM): [...] for voice!
mfrasca1 (10:02:07 AM): kewl..its on the board..
dfmsloth73 (10:02:10 AM): [...] for modem! using it now...
dfmsloth73 (10:02:23 AM): I gotz to get to werk ... but in conclusion..
mfrasca1 (10:02:43 AM): youve got mail..
dfmsloth73 (10:03:03 AM): ???
dfmsloth73 (10:03:05 AM): what?
mfrasca1 (10:03:36 AM): i sent you mail..
mfrasca1 (10:03:50 AM): phone messages..cc to bryan ect..
dfmsloth73 (10:03:51 AM): k!
dfmsloth73 (10:03:57 AM): k!
dfmsloth73 (10:10:40 AM): In conclusion .. I think Bean gets a great deal.... I'm the one that who is getting my talents abused... I have been offered many hosting and dial up buy outs..
dfmsloth73 (10:10:50 AM): but that is not fair to the team ...
dfmsloth73 (10:11:03 AM): If the team wants to quit .. fine by me..
mfrasca1 (10:11:03 AM): yeah..i know..\
dfmsloth73 (10:11:11 AM): I have other plans!
mfrasca1 (10:12:10 AM): understood
dfmsloth73 (10:12:10 AM): But we all decided 2 months ago we'd stick it out until April ... and I am doing my part to get us there ... Bean has to start kickin' ass...
dfmsloth73 (10:13:34 AM): enough siad .. out
dfmsloth73 (10:19:09 AM): ...another thing ... I have been asked by two different clients to leave li.com and work for them full time ... mostly from my home too! ... but I want to make this work for all of us ... am I crazy?
mfrasca1 (10:19:34 AM): some what..but...
dfmsloth73 (10:19:45 AM): haha
dfmsloth73 (10:19:46 AM): thanks
dfmsloth73 (10:19:47 AM): out
mfrasca1 (9:33:46 AM): can i send things off to bryan or no?
dfmsloth73 (9:34:31 AM): yes!!!
dfmsloth73 (9:34:34 AM): why not?
mfrasca1 (9:34:52 AM): just wondering..in ref to beans diary
mfrasca1 (9:34:55 AM): kay
dfmsloth73 (9:35:35 AM): ?
dfmsloth73 (9:35:38 AM): great!
dfmsloth73 (9:36:41 AM): oh, great....
dfmsloth73 (9:36:43 AM): hmmm.
mfrasca1 (9:36:49 AM): ??
dfmsloth73 (9:36:52 AM): what is wrong with his diary?
mfrasca1 (9:37:27 AM): it just said that all communication between li and discover should be done via you
dfmsloth73 (9:42:07 AM): ...well he is dealing with the fact that he took down the servers (twice) by accident...
dfmsloth73 (9:42:13 AM): he think bryan hates him...
dfmsloth73 (9:42:16 AM): so petty...
mfrasca1 (9:42:21 AM): yeah..i read
dfmsloth73 (9:42:38 AM): as far as his diary goes ... do not let it bring you down ....
dfmsloth73 (9:42:55 AM): True I do not know what I am doing runnig a business...
dfmsloth73 (9:43:06 AM): I am a programmer ...and a designer ... much like bean ...
mfrasca1 (9:43:16 AM): i didnt let it get to me
dfmsloth73 (9:43:24 AM): My job is to make sure we take care of a lot of details...
mfrasca1 (9:43:24 AM): ive heard it all before:-)
dfmsloth73 (9:43:33 AM): !
dfmsloth73 (9:44:07 AM): things make me look bad when we have not got the money to pay for things.. it is not in my nature to ask people for money...
dfmsloth73 (9:44:15 AM): its painful for me..
mfrasca1 (9:44:29 AM): understood
dfmsloth73 (9:44:38 AM): I have grown a thick skin, in order to deal with the "business side of things"
dfmsloth73 (9:44:45 AM): I am not happy..
dfmsloth73 (9:44:56 AM): My partner left in 1996...
mfrasca1 (9:45:06 AM): james...right
dfmsloth73 (9:45:23 AM): Connie has not supported us.. yet I still try to do the things that are important to me:
dfmsloth73 (9:45:29 AM): yep .. James..
dfmsloth73 (9:45:47 AM): Employing the staff that have extended themselves to the cause...
mfrasca1 (9:46:09 AM): hey....we try:-)
dfmsloth73 (9:46:42 AM): sure the staff wants to make money ... but that is not the bo5tom line (i think)...and therefore I work CONSTANTLY to make sure that staff at least get as much from it as possible..
dfmsloth73 (9:47:10 AM): ...the other thing I do is make sure the customers are as happy as possible...
mfrasca1 (9:47:12 AM): yeah..i know that it is hard...
mfrasca1 (9:47:28 AM): i think we also got stuck in a lame area..
dfmsloth73 (9:47:38 AM): no time to do the biz side ...cause all I can manage to do is ...as little as I do ...
dfmsloth73 (9:47:58 AM): Bean comes in and out of li focused logic...
mfrasca1 (9:48:03 AM): the biz side sux:-)
dfmsloth73 (9:48:15 AM): that's fine... part of the equation
mfrasca1 (9:48:31 AM): yeah..i know@
dfmsloth73 (9:48:39 AM): li.com = a bunch of whacky "I don't want to be a part of the real world" types.
dfmsloth73 (9:48:47 AM): OK by me!
mfrasca1 (9:49:14 AM): eyah...i kinda like the family feeling
dfmsloth73 (9:49:28 AM): but to make it work.. I have to depend on Nazi letter ... email billing ... and web billing ...
dfmsloth73 (9:49:33 AM): not that easy..!!!!
mfrasca1 (9:49:57 AM): im werking on it..almost done...i think..
dfmsloth73 (9:50:09 AM): I think it is dangerous for Bean's friends to point out a one-sided story...
dfmsloth73 (9:50:20 AM): they only know of a one sided story...
mfrasca1 (9:50:43 AM): i dont think that bean will leave us..
dfmsloth73 (9:52:20 AM): so ...as a team .. li.com should not run into the problems that lakevile internet did... though we are heading in that direction cause billing goes out late ... nazi letter NEVER got sent.. and because the dial up money is coming slowely I have to make fast money... like the harney site ..to keep our billz paid.. I'd rather get web invoices out... but that money is not as quick to get as the harney money...
dfmsloth73 (9:52:48 AM): so I am forced to work around the clock to get their [money] in the door!
dfmsloth73 (9:54:04 AM): ..in between I am trying to make time to do web invoices... {hopefully we will get to some of the web billing today} !
dfmsloth73 (9:54:22 AM): but... we have been trying to do web billing for months...
mfrasca1 (9:54:28 AM): yeah...we should get that done soon...
dfmsloth73 (9:55:19 AM): if 1 out of the three money income controls (nazi,email,web) were to happen properly ...we'd be ok!
mfrasca1 (9:55:39 AM): yeah...
dfmsloth73 (9:55:45 AM): BUT ...I need Bean's help ..and your help.. to get it all done..
dfmsloth73 (9:56:00 AM): I can not be holding it up all the time...
dfmsloth73 (9:56:21 AM): bean on the otherhand has time "to get away form the world" by watching tv...
dfmsloth73 (9:56:48 AM): I do not have such a luxary.. (well except for madtv...but I have missed that 3 weeks in a row now)
dfmsloth73 (9:57:29 AM): Does Isler actually have clients???
dfmsloth73 (9:57:40 AM): I am sure he thinks it is easy..
mfrasca1 (9:57:49 AM): hey..just as long as i catch 90210
dfmsloth73 (9:58:05 AM): [...]
mfrasca1 (9:58:20 AM): yeah..he has a few..
dfmsloth73 (9:58:25 AM): [...]
dfmsloth73 (9:58:34 AM): [...]
mfrasca1 (9:58:35 AM): something similar to asc apparently
dfmsloth73 (9:59:33 AM): ...well, I'm sure.. but it won't take long before he can not handle them ...
dfmsloth73 (10:00:17 AM): a..and he will need to get constant work for bean ... a couple of sites .. means Isler and crew are going to fighting over a small amount of work...
mfrasca1 (10:00:20 AM): yeah...with skewl and all:-)
dfmsloth73 (10:00:51 AM): ...I do not think that is fair to clients that need the sort of support that we give our clients...
mfrasca1 (10:00:57 AM): did all go well with the phone lines?
dfmsloth73 (10:01:30 AM): we did not think it would suck ... but does...
dfmsloth73 (10:01:40 AM): phonelines? yep ... here?? yep!
mfrasca1 (10:01:50 AM): kewl...they called..
mfrasca1 (10:01:54 AM): i'll tell them..
dfmsloth73 (10:01:56 AM): [...] for voice!
mfrasca1 (10:02:07 AM): kewl..its on the board..
dfmsloth73 (10:02:10 AM): [...] for modem! using it now...
dfmsloth73 (10:02:23 AM): I gotz to get to werk ... but in conclusion..
mfrasca1 (10:02:43 AM): youve got mail..
dfmsloth73 (10:03:03 AM): ???
dfmsloth73 (10:03:05 AM): what?
mfrasca1 (10:03:36 AM): i sent you mail..
mfrasca1 (10:03:50 AM): phone messages..cc to bryan ect..
dfmsloth73 (10:03:51 AM): k!
dfmsloth73 (10:03:57 AM): k!
dfmsloth73 (10:10:40 AM): In conclusion .. I think Bean gets a great deal.... I'm the one that who is getting my talents abused... I have been offered many hosting and dial up buy outs..
dfmsloth73 (10:10:50 AM): but that is not fair to the team ...
dfmsloth73 (10:11:03 AM): If the team wants to quit .. fine by me..
mfrasca1 (10:11:03 AM): yeah..i know..\
dfmsloth73 (10:11:11 AM): I have other plans!
mfrasca1 (10:12:10 AM): understood
dfmsloth73 (10:12:10 AM): But we all decided 2 months ago we'd stick it out until April ... and I am doing my part to get us there ... Bean has to start kickin' ass...
dfmsloth73 (10:13:34 AM): enough siad .. out
dfmsloth73 (10:19:09 AM): ...another thing ... I have been asked by two different clients to leave li.com and work for them full time ... mostly from my home too! ... but I want to make this work for all of us ... am I crazy?
mfrasca1 (10:19:34 AM): some what..but...
dfmsloth73 (10:19:45 AM): haha
dfmsloth73 (10:19:46 AM): thanks
dfmsloth73 (10:19:47 AM): out