20 January 1999
![[ ]](http://mbpix.mushroom.net/19990120y.png)
i s'pose i should try to define what i mean by "faerie princess". i still have a very faerie-tale inspired world view. i still believe in true love. but it's not in a co-dependent, damsel in distress/knight in shining armour sort of way that's so common in the traditional faerie tales. honestly, i don't care much for the bulk of what's been passed down that was written/collected by the brothers grimm or hans christian anderson. when i talk about faeries, i mean in the sense of mischievous, creative, strong-willed, somewhat ethereal, magical beings. my world, or at least my ideal world, has a very magical quality. and so the love that my romantic side is looking for needs to fit into that world. the faerie princess i seek is not a sleeping beauty, but a vibrant, exciting, independent, magical woman.
the faerie tale that i put online yesterday was more or less directly adapted from a dream. upon waking, i wasn't exactly sure if the person with me on the balcony had been er!n or my faerie princess, and so my mind cast er!n in the part of my faerie princess. and she certainly has most of the right qualities. except maybe the wings.
the faerie tale that i put online yesterday was more or less directly adapted from a dream. upon waking, i wasn't exactly sure if the person with me on the balcony had been er!n or my faerie princess, and so my mind cast er!n in the part of my faerie princess. and she certainly has most of the right qualities. except maybe the wings.