19 March 1999
![[ ]](http://mbpix.mushroom.net/19990319y.png)
so i'm trying to readjust my sleep schedule back to something resembling normal. i got in to bed about 1am last night, but couldn't sleep. i felt kinda dehydrated, but we didn't have anything to drink, and i wasn't about to drink city water. eventually i remembered that i had some beets in the fridge that i could juice (beet juice was one of those things that i first had because it looks cool, like mushrooms, and decided that i kinda like the taste of it too). unfortunately they had been sitting there a bit too long and were growing some mold.
this was at like 330, and now that i was out of bed i figured i might as well drive to the store and buy something to drink, as i could prolly scrape together enough change for a gallon of water (and maybe some fresh beets). i think i actually got to sleep around 415. i had set my alarm clock for 821 (plus one 9 minute snooze is 830), and i actually felt kinda rested when it went off, but i was having some pretty vivid dreams and was enjoying them too much to actually get out of bed.
bits an pieces of those dreams that stuck with me:
there was a model train track set up, and some sort of contest to get a coin to roll along the length of it, or something, as it weaved in and out of multiple levels.
in another, i was leaving a class. my van wasn't where i had left it, and having just seen sam, who had a key to it (this must have been a few years in the future), i figured that he prolly moved it as a practical joke. so i started looking for it. there was some sorta marketplace set up behind the building that my class was in, and there were lots of vans from which people where unloading their goods. beyond the marketplace things began to get surreal, as there was a field of used tires as far as you could see in three directions.
in another dream i was coming home after work or school or something. i was living in a building that was what inner city projects would be if they were modeled on victorian architecture but built by the swiss family robinson or the ewoks. it was as if every time a lower level of what was once a suburban neighborhood of victorian houses went condemned or was gutted by fire, a new level was built on top, with lots of staircases and balconies and such. at the base of the building that i lived in there was a playground, and some old women who berated me for not being there to sell candy the night before. they said that they'd have to take over if my roommates and i didn't want to do it anymore. i said that we were very poor and need the money we made and the old women seemed to mock me, as in how could i understand being poor.
i climbed up a number of outdoor staircases to my apartment, which was smaller than my current apartment, two or maybe three bedrooms, that i lived in with er!n and at least three other people. i was the first person back from work or school or whatever it was i was coming home from, except for one roommate who worked nights and was sleeping when i got there. he got up and everyone else came home, and we went down to sell candy in the playground. it was basically penny candy, but somehow, all together, we made enough to pay the rent.
later we were all sitting around in the living room (which i think also doubled as a bedroom), just hanging out, and i took out a canvas and some paints and started painting a picture of er!n, who was painting me back, but in watercolour, and doing a very good job of it. this was really the bit of the dream that kept me in bed, feeling the companionship of these people i was living with, even though were were cramped in a small apartment in a bad neighborhood.
this was at like 330, and now that i was out of bed i figured i might as well drive to the store and buy something to drink, as i could prolly scrape together enough change for a gallon of water (and maybe some fresh beets). i think i actually got to sleep around 415. i had set my alarm clock for 821 (plus one 9 minute snooze is 830), and i actually felt kinda rested when it went off, but i was having some pretty vivid dreams and was enjoying them too much to actually get out of bed.
bits an pieces of those dreams that stuck with me:
there was a model train track set up, and some sort of contest to get a coin to roll along the length of it, or something, as it weaved in and out of multiple levels.
in another, i was leaving a class. my van wasn't where i had left it, and having just seen sam, who had a key to it (this must have been a few years in the future), i figured that he prolly moved it as a practical joke. so i started looking for it. there was some sorta marketplace set up behind the building that my class was in, and there were lots of vans from which people where unloading their goods. beyond the marketplace things began to get surreal, as there was a field of used tires as far as you could see in three directions.
in another dream i was coming home after work or school or something. i was living in a building that was what inner city projects would be if they were modeled on victorian architecture but built by the swiss family robinson or the ewoks. it was as if every time a lower level of what was once a suburban neighborhood of victorian houses went condemned or was gutted by fire, a new level was built on top, with lots of staircases and balconies and such. at the base of the building that i lived in there was a playground, and some old women who berated me for not being there to sell candy the night before. they said that they'd have to take over if my roommates and i didn't want to do it anymore. i said that we were very poor and need the money we made and the old women seemed to mock me, as in how could i understand being poor.
i climbed up a number of outdoor staircases to my apartment, which was smaller than my current apartment, two or maybe three bedrooms, that i lived in with er!n and at least three other people. i was the first person back from work or school or whatever it was i was coming home from, except for one roommate who worked nights and was sleeping when i got there. he got up and everyone else came home, and we went down to sell candy in the playground. it was basically penny candy, but somehow, all together, we made enough to pay the rent.
later we were all sitting around in the living room (which i think also doubled as a bedroom), just hanging out, and i took out a canvas and some paints and started painting a picture of er!n, who was painting me back, but in watercolour, and doing a very good job of it. this was really the bit of the dream that kept me in bed, feeling the companionship of these people i was living with, even though were were cramped in a small apartment in a bad neighborhood.