23 March 1999
![[ ]](http://mbpix.mushroom.net/19990323y.png)
had my alarm set for 830 this morning. didn't fall asleep 'til after 4. woke up just before 8, figured i could get a little more sleep, rolled back over. woke up again at 958, my alarm not having gone off. i was s'posed to be in class at 10. quick shower, no breakfast, out the door. i'm still not all that into this painting. i'd still like to make it less representational. apparently our next painting will be a self portrait. that's something i'm into.
came home, then walked down to the ut campus with george, to look for a philosophy book. for our term paper for my philosophy of religion class, we were s'posed to pick one of the topics we're discussing in class, and research it, and do a presentation/talk in class on the corresponding day. when we signed up, i was interested in half of the topics, so i told my teacher i'd get back to him. when i did, he asked if i'd like to do one of the topics that no one signed up for. i said i'd look into it, and went looking for a book that was referenced in our text. they didn't have it at the acc library, but i'd been told that acc students can check books out of ut's libraries. of course i didn't get there over spring break.
so i go today (the topic in question being discussed tonight in class). i found the book, but as it turns out, i have to go to acc's library and get some special card before i can actually take books out at ut. so i photocopied one section and put the book back. the essay that i copied was actually quite interesting, but i didn't have time to prepare anything to present to the class, so i'm gonna have to come up with another topic and try again in a couple of weeks.
i was fairly well prepared for tonight's discussion though, although we somehow got off on a tangent of how brains work. also interesting, but not philosophy of religion, per se.
came home, then walked down to the ut campus with george, to look for a philosophy book. for our term paper for my philosophy of religion class, we were s'posed to pick one of the topics we're discussing in class, and research it, and do a presentation/talk in class on the corresponding day. when we signed up, i was interested in half of the topics, so i told my teacher i'd get back to him. when i did, he asked if i'd like to do one of the topics that no one signed up for. i said i'd look into it, and went looking for a book that was referenced in our text. they didn't have it at the acc library, but i'd been told that acc students can check books out of ut's libraries. of course i didn't get there over spring break.
so i go today (the topic in question being discussed tonight in class). i found the book, but as it turns out, i have to go to acc's library and get some special card before i can actually take books out at ut. so i photocopied one section and put the book back. the essay that i copied was actually quite interesting, but i didn't have time to prepare anything to present to the class, so i'm gonna have to come up with another topic and try again in a couple of weeks.
i was fairly well prepared for tonight's discussion though, although we somehow got off on a tangent of how brains work. also interesting, but not philosophy of religion, per se.