magicbeans. nothing if not awkward.

bean is not actually from antarctica. his heart is covered in paisleys.

he makes tiny little pictures and sometimes writes about his life.


4 May 1999

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when i woke up this morning george informed me that he had bought an old mac se/30 on ebay. i'm not sure exactly what he wants it for, but he had gotten it into his head to buy one, and has been researching and plotting for a couple of weeks now. i thought that i was the one into old pointless computers.

then painting. it was drizzling this morning so i painted inside. one class to go. i have to get everything done by thursday. i don't really have a whole lot to do, just the finishing touches on a few different paintings.

called the residential life office at risd this afternoon. didn't really get any of my questions answered. basically it was, wait 'til yr on campus in the summer and figure things out then. forgot to ask about the car thing. i have a feeling that there's not going to be any good solution.

we had our final class/party for philosophy of religion tonight. of course there was not a single thing on the menu at the restaurant that i could eat. i mulled over getting something alcoholic to drink, but didn't. and we didn't really end up talking a lot of philosophy which was sorta the plan. but it was nice to get out, i guess.

george was just leaving for work when i got home. we talked a little more about what he's going to do when i move out. he's trying to decide between keeping the two bedroom apartment and looking for a roommate, or moving into a one bedroom that just opened up in the building. i really think that whatever he chooses, he's going to have to figure out how to make some friends here in austin. because if all he has is work, sleep, and sitting in front of the computer, he's going to feel like he's just wasting his life away. i know. i've been there.

it's not easy, i know that too. he's nearly as introverted as i am, and even more anti-social. and i'm not really one to talk, but i think he should get involved with public access cable, or find a group that plays warhammer and do his ogres in drag idea. or something.