28 May 1999
![[ ]](http://mbpix.mushroom.net/19990528y.png)
i dreamt i was working in an antique shop. about closing time, a friend of mine came in with a brown paper bag. in it was a piece of sculpture she had stolen from a local library. she wasn't sure why she had stolen it, exactly, except that it was titled the maltese falcon, so there was president.
she figured that she would bring it to me to figure out what to do with it. i though that we should break back into the library and return it. although for some reason the library was pretty highly guarded and secure, and that would be no simple task.
we discussed possible scenarios for a while, and then i went over to the library building to scope things out. i took the elevator up to the floor above the library, where there were classrooms and such, to poke around for back ways in, like through air ducts.
the dream shifted as i ran into daniel. he said that everything but my own sites had been moved off of my server, and i had to change some settings to correspond.
i left the building and got in my car and was driving around aimlessly. reality was slightly more malleable than usual, and i had a method of cutting and pasting pedestrians out of my way.
i figured i'd try a copy and paste, to see what would happen, but all of a sudden there were lots of other cars, and nowhere to safely paste the people. eventually i found an empty alley, and executed the paste, and a metallic version of the person appeared.
just then another car came tearing down the alley, and i had to pull over to avoid them, and hit the metallic person. the driver of the other car got out and went into a computer supply store. i figured i needed some network hardware to finish daniel's configurations, so i followed him in.
he was an employee, so i asked him for some of the parts i needed. he said sorry about yr android. and i said don't worry, i was just playing with copy and paste, and it did make a really cool klang.
i had left my computer outside the door, like a pet or something, where it was hovering. bret, who may have been with me for a while, was playing with it. he came in to ask where the cables were. i told him i had replaced them with infra-red transceivers.
at that point allison came out of a storeroom. she apparently worked there as well. we started talked about computer stuff, and then about what was going on in our lives (instead of having just graduated from smith, she was transferring there in the fall), and about our past.
i realized that i was holding up a line of customers, and so let them go ahead of me. allison and i continued talking, and it was really quite engaging. and then she grabbed me and pulled me over the counter. lying on the floor, i said that this was the second time i had been pulled over a counter in as many days, but that the first time was by a complete stranger. i also said that speaking for coincidences, there was another computer store that i had gone into in a similarly random way, and alex worked there. although he wasn't working when i had gone in, i found out later.
allison and i wandered around the store. there was some cookware that i said i didn't need 'cause i had bought some in texas. she told me that she had missed me. i told her that truthfully, i had been hung up on her for years, but that strangely hadn't really thought about her for a couple of weeks.
she was going to a party that night, so we went down into the basement, where there was a refrigerated supermarket, so she could buy some things to bring. like a bag of doritos, at which i voiced my dislike, and a handful of magazines, including a playboy and one that was more hardcore, as something of a joke for the party's host.
we went back up to the computer store, where she paid for the stuff from the supermarket, and i asked how much my computer bits were going to cost.
the bit about not really thinking about allison for a few weeks is true. i've been kinda reluctant to say so, but q was, in a way, a surrogate for my feelings for allison. that's not all she was, which is why i've resisted saying it, but she is about the right hight, has similar skinny fingers, and up close her cheekbones and eyebrows are nearly the same. and then there was all the emotional stuff that was dredged up by spending time with sonali. and then seeing er!n for the first time in seven months. there's not really much room for thoughts of allison. 'cept in dreams, i guess.
i talked to george today. says he doesn't know what's up with moving to a smaller apartment. he seems to be considering coming home, although he can be hard to read.
my grades from acc had arrived there. mostly as expected. the two i wasn't sure about were playwriting, a, and painting, b. i'm a little upset about painting, but i guess it is above average. and it's not even transferable anyway, since my studio credits are all gonna have to be architecture courses.
had a physical this afternoon so that risd will know i'm in good health. i had to call umass and have them fax my immunization record to my doctor. and then go to the hospital to have blood drawn for some lab tests.
er!n called this evening and said we should hang out this weekend, and told me she's not gonna read my online journal anymore. she thinks that will lead to more actual conversations. she might be right.
made sushi for dinner. that makes it three nights in a row, tonight being by far the cheapest. but also the least pretty presentation. which really is part of the fun of japanese food.
she figured that she would bring it to me to figure out what to do with it. i though that we should break back into the library and return it. although for some reason the library was pretty highly guarded and secure, and that would be no simple task.
we discussed possible scenarios for a while, and then i went over to the library building to scope things out. i took the elevator up to the floor above the library, where there were classrooms and such, to poke around for back ways in, like through air ducts.
the dream shifted as i ran into daniel. he said that everything but my own sites had been moved off of my server, and i had to change some settings to correspond.
i left the building and got in my car and was driving around aimlessly. reality was slightly more malleable than usual, and i had a method of cutting and pasting pedestrians out of my way.
i figured i'd try a copy and paste, to see what would happen, but all of a sudden there were lots of other cars, and nowhere to safely paste the people. eventually i found an empty alley, and executed the paste, and a metallic version of the person appeared.
just then another car came tearing down the alley, and i had to pull over to avoid them, and hit the metallic person. the driver of the other car got out and went into a computer supply store. i figured i needed some network hardware to finish daniel's configurations, so i followed him in.
he was an employee, so i asked him for some of the parts i needed. he said sorry about yr android. and i said don't worry, i was just playing with copy and paste, and it did make a really cool klang.
i had left my computer outside the door, like a pet or something, where it was hovering. bret, who may have been with me for a while, was playing with it. he came in to ask where the cables were. i told him i had replaced them with infra-red transceivers.
at that point allison came out of a storeroom. she apparently worked there as well. we started talked about computer stuff, and then about what was going on in our lives (instead of having just graduated from smith, she was transferring there in the fall), and about our past.
i realized that i was holding up a line of customers, and so let them go ahead of me. allison and i continued talking, and it was really quite engaging. and then she grabbed me and pulled me over the counter. lying on the floor, i said that this was the second time i had been pulled over a counter in as many days, but that the first time was by a complete stranger. i also said that speaking for coincidences, there was another computer store that i had gone into in a similarly random way, and alex worked there. although he wasn't working when i had gone in, i found out later.
allison and i wandered around the store. there was some cookware that i said i didn't need 'cause i had bought some in texas. she told me that she had missed me. i told her that truthfully, i had been hung up on her for years, but that strangely hadn't really thought about her for a couple of weeks.
she was going to a party that night, so we went down into the basement, where there was a refrigerated supermarket, so she could buy some things to bring. like a bag of doritos, at which i voiced my dislike, and a handful of magazines, including a playboy and one that was more hardcore, as something of a joke for the party's host.
we went back up to the computer store, where she paid for the stuff from the supermarket, and i asked how much my computer bits were going to cost.
the bit about not really thinking about allison for a few weeks is true. i've been kinda reluctant to say so, but q was, in a way, a surrogate for my feelings for allison. that's not all she was, which is why i've resisted saying it, but she is about the right hight, has similar skinny fingers, and up close her cheekbones and eyebrows are nearly the same. and then there was all the emotional stuff that was dredged up by spending time with sonali. and then seeing er!n for the first time in seven months. there's not really much room for thoughts of allison. 'cept in dreams, i guess.
i talked to george today. says he doesn't know what's up with moving to a smaller apartment. he seems to be considering coming home, although he can be hard to read.
my grades from acc had arrived there. mostly as expected. the two i wasn't sure about were playwriting, a, and painting, b. i'm a little upset about painting, but i guess it is above average. and it's not even transferable anyway, since my studio credits are all gonna have to be architecture courses.
had a physical this afternoon so that risd will know i'm in good health. i had to call umass and have them fax my immunization record to my doctor. and then go to the hospital to have blood drawn for some lab tests.
er!n called this evening and said we should hang out this weekend, and told me she's not gonna read my online journal anymore. she thinks that will lead to more actual conversations. she might be right.
made sushi for dinner. that makes it three nights in a row, tonight being by far the cheapest. but also the least pretty presentation. which really is part of the fun of japanese food.