29 May 1999
![[ ]](http://mbpix.mushroom.net/19990529y.png)
i dreamt i was in a supermarket. i was buying a bag of potato chips. i picked what i thought would be the quickest line, but as these things usually go, it turned out not to be. when i got to the front of the line, the cashier was on the phone, on what seemed like a personal call. after a while of waiting and getting more and more annoyed, i threw a quarter at him. i figured that it would cover the bag of chips. he got off the phone and told me it came to thirty or forty something cents. so i gave him another quarter. he gave me my change and a "free" bag of peanut m&ms. i said i don't eat these, what am i supposed to do with them?
i walked out, but then proceed to relive the scene. this time when i noticed he was on the phone, i moved to a different register. this time it was under a quarter, and there were no m&ms. but i wondered why i was buying the potato chips in the first place. they were ruffles, or something equally distasteful.
later i was in a cafe, but i couldn't manage to get waited on. i wanted to order sushi, but was left eating my potato chips. i struck up a conversation with a girl, and she decided to come cross-country with me. we left and walked passed my volkswagen, which was broken down in the middle of an off-ramp. i said that i wished i was driving it, but it had engine problems.
moved about two thirds of the stuff out of my van. my computers, musical instruments, my four-track, stereo, some of my cds. still a bunch to go. and nowhere to put it.
early afternoon i took off to go visit er!n. we went hiking, we talked to frogs and chipmunks. i tried to take some pictures of her. she was difficult, more so than anyone else on that roll of film. figures, coming from the photographer. and i ran out of film after four pictures.
towards the end of the hike i got caught up in the patterns of leaves against the sky. layers of positive and negative space. green and blue, abstracting to black and white.
we went back to her house and cooked some dinner. i had told her the last time i saw her that sonali had said that i should return to connecticut and fall in love with her. er!n said "i don't think you should fall in love with me just because i'm here." i said "no, that's not a good reason. if i were to fall in love with you, it would be because you sometimes walk with yr hands in yr back pockets. and because you don't like pickled ginger. and other things of that sort."
i walked out, but then proceed to relive the scene. this time when i noticed he was on the phone, i moved to a different register. this time it was under a quarter, and there were no m&ms. but i wondered why i was buying the potato chips in the first place. they were ruffles, or something equally distasteful.
later i was in a cafe, but i couldn't manage to get waited on. i wanted to order sushi, but was left eating my potato chips. i struck up a conversation with a girl, and she decided to come cross-country with me. we left and walked passed my volkswagen, which was broken down in the middle of an off-ramp. i said that i wished i was driving it, but it had engine problems.
moved about two thirds of the stuff out of my van. my computers, musical instruments, my four-track, stereo, some of my cds. still a bunch to go. and nowhere to put it.
early afternoon i took off to go visit er!n. we went hiking, we talked to frogs and chipmunks. i tried to take some pictures of her. she was difficult, more so than anyone else on that roll of film. figures, coming from the photographer. and i ran out of film after four pictures.
towards the end of the hike i got caught up in the patterns of leaves against the sky. layers of positive and negative space. green and blue, abstracting to black and white.
we went back to her house and cooked some dinner. i had told her the last time i saw her that sonali had said that i should return to connecticut and fall in love with her. er!n said "i don't think you should fall in love with me just because i'm here." i said "no, that's not a good reason. if i were to fall in love with you, it would be because you sometimes walk with yr hands in yr back pockets. and because you don't like pickled ginger. and other things of that sort."